I'm looking for "X" slipcover, can you help?

Looking for Second Sight Limited Edition slipcovers, especially BABADOOK, IN BRUGES, and NIGHTINGALE. Also happy to purchase these editions outright if folks would like to part with them!
Hello there,
I’m after several slipcovers. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance

My Fair Lady 4k US
Air Force one 4k US
American Gangster 4k US
American Made 4k US
Bloodshot 4k US
Casino 4k US
Chappie 4k US
Field of dreams 4k US
How to train your dragon 4k US
The great gastby 4k US
Passengers 4k US
Warcraft 4k US
Currently looking for the Dutch/Netherland Lenticular slip releases for the following below. If there is a possibility of getting some help to purchase and acquire these, drop me a pm. Thank you for your time.

  • Immortals 3D Blu-ray
  • Conan 3D Blu-ray (2011 limited edition, 2,250 copies)
  • Dredd 3D Blu-ray