Tape Editions (Germany)


Premium Supporter
Apr 14, 2012
Release Date: TBA
Puchase Link: TBA
Price: TBA
Note: so far 40 titles are planned. the first 10 titles are settled and they will reveal one of these 10 titles every day.


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They're good looking - but I pass.
I gotta draw the line somewhere.
The VHS editions of stuff was cute for a few seconds.
But I, like many of my brethren, value my space. And these editions take up WAY too much real estate to warrant them.
(One VHS edition could easily be 3 or 4 blu rays on the shelf).
Please, VHS was created in the 70's and is an absolute failure imho. The technology is absolute garbage compared to today's standards. Why anyone would buy into it is beyond me. Believe me when I tell you that I do understand it, I owned over 3,000 different movies on it.

EDIT: I also just want to add that this is just my personal opinion on VHS, others are welcome to do what they please with them. :)
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new infos via newsletter:
  • 2nd wave (Terminator, Pet Sematary, etc) release is 17. October (already pre-orderable)
  • 3rd wave release is in November with e.g.
    • Law Abiding Citizen (Directors Cut) - already pre-orderable
    • Alien 3
    • It Follows
    • 48 Hrs.
    • Speed
    • John Wick Chapter 3 - already pre-orderable
  • there will be a Tape Edition for Escape Plan: The Extractors (limited to 999)
Please, VHS was created in the 70's and is an absolute failure imho. The technology is absolute garbage compared to today's standards. Why anyone would buy into it is beyond me. Believe me when I tell you that I do understand it, I owned over 3,000 different movies on it.

EDIT: I also just want to add that this is just my personal opinion on VHS, others are welcome to do what they please with them. :)
You do realize that there is not an actual VHS in those cases, don't you?