The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Blufans Exclusive #102) [China]


Jan 30, 2013
FFO, Germany
Release date: August 2024 (TBC) Late October 2024
Group buy: hosted by Wreck

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The Return of the King (GB early June, release in September).

The custom-made PET Slip is a bonus for group buy members who order the trilogy that will ship separately in October.
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Reactions: Dirk69
Don't really care for those steelbooks or Blufans and its crappy commercial strategy which leaves a limited choice to the consumers: DL, OC or nothing. For me it will be nothing because I prefer FS to lentis and I decided to stop buying their OCs to have what interests me.
Don't really care for those steelbooks or Blufans and its crappy commercial strategy which leaves a limited choice to the consumers: DL, OC or nothing. For me it will be nothing because I prefer FS to lentis and I decided to stop buying their OCs to have what interests me.
You can sell one or two of the slips, sometimes even making your third Fullslip, if there's 3, be almost free.
They all look gorgeous.
Of course just the steelbooks, without goodies, cards, slips, box etc., is not an option, right? :whistle: :rolleyes:
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The OC’s look really good. Also like how all the double lentis line up to create a full image.

When does this group buy open? And once opened, will they be in the HDN store to purchase like other recent blufans releases.
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Reactions: Marc Smith
nice fellowship of the ring on the blue full slip btw... also hate how lord of the ring is in large font on one slip and small on the the others (with return of the king being large.. or fellowship of the ring in the case below lol)

nice fellowship of the ring on the blue full slip btw... also hate how lord of the ring is in large font on one slip and small on the the others (with return of the king being large.. or fellowship of the ring in the case below lol)

Anyone else notice the fellowship of the ring writing on the front of the return of the king blue slip box art
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Reactions: Lenny Nero
Still not a fan of the wonky title placement on the steels, and while I was planning on getting the full slips, hoping the art would make up for the steels, the silhouette graphics with the tacky glitter/sparkles/gradients is just awful. I don't mind the graphics for the double lenti, since it feels the most similar to the original posters, but the discs aren't what I'm looking for. Very easy (and disappointing) pass.
I was planning on getting the full slips, hoping the art would make up for the steels, the silhouette graphics with the tacky glitter/sparkles/gradients is just awful.
That's the same art, as on the studio steelbox release:


They're my favorite steelbooks to be honest.
And the same art without background was on the HDZeta Fullslips:

(Not mine)
My only real concern is the steels. The inconsistency with the title placement. And I think the art on HDzeta steels are better however the extended edition printed under the title was a mistake.
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Reactions: samdavies