Blu-ray/Movie you just purchased or watched thread

Jan 30, 2009
i picked up batman forever and batman & robin last night :)


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I did a blind buy on this swedish horror comedy, because the US-release is the only Blu-ray-one and seems to be Region free.
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I watched 'The Prestige' last night. I hadn't realised what an unpleasant film it is. Most of the characters are obsessive, selfish, manipulative and - as I said - unpleasant.
Being that things have been the way that they’ve been, I decided to spoil myself today with a little Sunrise Records movie haul. Been wanting to get most of these for a while now, so decided to hop on them while they’re available (and while I have some disposable income in my bank account). Was also excited to learn that with these purchases, I’ve passed the milestone of 1000 Blu-rays in my collection.


I absolutely love these movies. I’d say they’re a guilty pleasure, but I don’t feel guilty about loving them. Honestly, The Purge is probably my favourite new film series from the past decade. I really wanted to get these on 4K in their individual slipcovers, but that’d be nearly $100 compared to the $36 that this cost me. I don’t regret this purchase at all.

I haven’t watched this film since 1999, but I remember grabbing the VHS when it came out to watch with my sister and it scared the living hell out of us. We actually stopped the VHS halfway through to take a breather and compose ourselves. After our break, we put the tape back on and the second half of the film wasn’t scary at all. We laughed because we could’ve easily finished it. Anyway, I love Scream Factory’s releases, so I figured I’d give this a rewatch. Plus I absolutely love the cover art.

I love, love, LOVE this show! The first season was the perfect blend of horror, action, and fantasy. Zachary Quinto is so perfectly creepy in it and Ashley Cummings as Vic McQueen is probably my favourite performance of a bad-ass woman on television since Buffy. I’m not one to buy TV shows on physical media very often, so me buying this just proves how much I love it.

I’m not a huge fan of anthology films because I rarely enjoy all of the stories told in them. Trick ‘r Treat is my all-time favourite anthology and Body Bags is definitely my second, but the first Creepshow would likely be my third favourite. ‘The Crate’ is easily the best story within the film and it makes owning Creepshow worth it alone. I’m huge on creature features and I just adore that tale. ‘Something to Tide You Over’ is another fantastic tale, so I’m happy to own this. It helps that Scream Factory put together one hell of a gorgeous package for this release.

The most fun I’ve had with any movie this year, hands down. Great gore, great practical effects, and it’s absolutely hilarious. It’s made me a Mary Nepi fan-for-life, that’s for sure (seriously, follow her on social media for constant laughs). I really can’t recommend this one enough.

A childhood staple that I’ve never purchased on the Blu-ray format. I know there’s a group of fans who dislike how the characters leave Eternia for Earth in the film, but I just find something magical about it. Dolph is great as He-Man, but the standout is easily Frank Langella as Skeletor. It was a different take on the character from the animated series, but it was menacing and scary and I oh-so wanted a sequel after that end credits stinger scene.
My first Stinky Tuna Blu-ray haul. It's the only way to get these Netflix movies on physical media and they look pretty great. I love these flicks, so pumped to have them. Just wish Hush was released in a black amaray case as advertised on their site.

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