C.C. 95's 10,000th Post Steelbook GIVEAWAY! [CLOSED]

C.C. 95

The Snarky Assassin
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2014
The Land, OHIO - U.S.A.

To commemorate over 2 years & 10,000 posts of my inane blathering, I am having a giveaway!:D
Thanks to HDN, I have a place to share (with my fellow collectors and cinephiles) the things we love, and a community that is without peer.
So, as a thanks, I am giving away this Bundle O' Steel!!:woot:
(And I Will also cover the shipping!):OMG:
The Prize is a Bundle of 5 Mondo X steelbooks (all mint/new).:)


1) Name your favorite steelbook you own.
(Except any Marvel ones. That will make it more interesting!)
2) Name one steelbook you just can't believe doesn't exist yet,
and should!

(0h, and thank the post!)

I will conclude the contest and declare a winner (By Random Number Generator) on December 16th.
(That should be plenty of time for HDN members to discover the giveaway.):thumbs:
Please feel free to PM any members about the contest. (And if you have these in your collection already, PM your friends who don't!).
Good Luck!:thumbs:
1. Denizen
2. larson1977
3. bluray hunter
4. harry
5. Drum18
6. taher
7. Flloydo
8. Kuzco
9. Raimi
10. meaner
12. bigwednesday0
13. Slinchafi
14. xenith25
15. Brandbil
16. Marco86
17. Ricker
18. Steelselecta
19. claudius181991
20. dan8885
21. hal9000b
22. mams
23. Civer
23. AlienKing
24. SteelCollz
25. TommySyk
26. lights
27. Lollard2002
28. Rosby
29. mmz41
30. Dexter Skelter
31. Akina
32. bloodsnake007
33. bigfub
34. davidson
35. steven Taylor
36. ckman88
37. rj531
38. bobino 66
39. Bruckle
40. YellowCake
41. Alistair G
42. jaws finatic
43. navydavey
44. JackRegan
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Well, @C.C. 95, nicely done, pal. Please accept my warmest congratulations.

1. I don't have a favorite steelbook but if I had to choose I'd say Twelve Monkeys UK. Especially the back design.
2. Check my signature :)

Btw, I'm not participating, just wanted to give my congrats & answers. If a number generator selects my post, please run it again. If you get my number 3 times in a row, PM me. I'll choose a lucky winner :hilarious:
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Congratulations @C.C. 95 and thank you for this generous giveaway. It is truly awesome!

1) my favourite non-marvel steelbook that I own is Star Trek Futureshop (but I will probably give you another answer every day:))

2) and I would die for a premium release of True Lies (Schwarzenegger).

Thanks again and good luck to everyone!
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Hahaha. I'm gona have to change my pic lol
Oh, maaaaannn!:LOL: I was diggin your Landis vibe!
My fav of his is the American werewolf horizontal steel. Love that and my fav movie of his - means a lot to me
Funny story - I grew up on and LOVE American Werewolf too. ( i'm sure I watch that on VHS a hundred times in the 80's! And I also have and love the horizontal steelbook).
I just got a copy of the new edition to swap out the discs with remaster...so I was watching it again to see the quality (It looks AWESOME). But I had not seen the film in a long time.
For many, many years I have used the phrase "Have you ever been severely beaten about the face and neck?"
(Humorously, of course!). I really never realized where I got that from. It is from AWIL!! And, of all things, it is something Jenny Agutter says to the "NO!" Boy in the hospital ward!!:rofl:
I guess I had forgotten about that!!
(And smash-cutting to credits with "Blue Moon" at the end is STILL one of the ballsiest, most awesome directorial choices ever! That would never be allowed in today's films).
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Hahahhaha, I could not imagine someone approaching me and saying that quote. Lol

Both AWIL and the thing mean a great deal to me.
I remember watching AWIL when I was a kid and being very confused and thinking "why am I finding this dark film amusing" couldn't work out if I was supposed to laugh or be freaked out. Ended up being both but I also loved all the effects, when I was younger I wanted to do make up on film and tv and partly because of that film.
Now i think of it my dark humour may of come from that film.

Whereas the thing is just f*cking perfect. I'm a huge huge huge Russell fan and I still need to do mac for fancy dress one year.
When I won the mondo signed last year for Halloween i nearly cried. Honest (actually it might of been the year before that)
I also have the horizontal steel - just need that signed by Kurt now lol

Bit of a random one and we've spoke about how I love your humour and it reminds me out a British humour, but have you ever seen a British series called 'league of gentleman'? I think it will be up your street (we may of spoke about it over the years but I'm not sure)
Series 1 & 2 are great, 3 Isn't bad but focuses on certain characters and the specials are okayish (avoid the film)
The 3 main actors/ comedians are well respected in the uk, all write for other programs and over their careers have featured in some great films and tv

Check it out if you can (it was on BBC)
Hahahhaha, I could not imagine someone approaching me and saying that quote. Lol

Both AWIL and the thing mean a great deal to me.
I remember watching AWIL when I was a kid and being very confused and thinking "why am I finding this dark film amusing" couldn't work out if I was supposed to laugh or be freaked out. Ended up being both but I also loved all the effects, when I was younger I wanted to do make up on film and tv and partly because of that film.
Now i think of it my dark humour may of come from that film.

Whereas the thing is just f*cking perfect. I'm a huge huge huge Russell fan and I still need to do mac for fancy dress one year.
When I won the mondo signed last year for Halloween i nearly cried. Honest (actually it might of been the year before that)
I also have the horizontal steel - just need that signed by Kurt now lol

Bit of a random one and we've spoke about how I love your humour and it reminds me out a British humour, but have you ever seen a British series called 'league of gentleman'? I think it will be up your street (we may of spoke about it over the years but I'm not sure)
Series 1 & 2 are great, 3 Isn't bad but focuses on certain characters and the specials are okayish (avoid the film)
The 3 main actors/ comedians are well respected in the uk, all write for other programs and over their careers have featured in some great films and tv

Check it out if you can (it was on BBC)
Thanks, @Flloydo! I will check the show out!
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I very much grew up reading Douglas Adams, and Terry Pratchett and watching BBC shows - so that kind of humor is very much in my blood! My sister mentioned something about this very subject at Thanksgiving! She was talking about how when I was kid (being influenced by British Culture) I did stuff like spelling color with a U!:rofl: (CULTURAL APPROPRIATION POLICE!!!!!).:LOL:
I really hope you can get to a convension and get Kurt Russell's sig (or John Landis!:D)
BTW- the correct usage is in situations like, when a buddy says something really sarcastic to you...you just give him the look and say "Have you ever been severely beaten about the face and neck?"!!:D:LOL:
(Another good one is a Tom Hanks line from Bachelor Party - "Are you Hot? Can I take your life?").
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My Favorite steelbook is LeGrand Bleu because it was a gift from Mehdi. and The Steelbook I still can't believe is not around yet Is Pink Floyd: The Wall
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Thanks for the great giveaway @C.C. 95 and congrats on your 10000th post!

My favourite steelbook would have to be Man of Steel from Manta Lab. Such a quality steel !

A movie I would love to see get the steelbook treatment would have to be Dog Soldiers, luuuuv that movie, and it hasn't even had a Blu Ray release over here yet! Criminal !!
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First of all, thanks for that great GA! Awesome!
1.) My favorite.... That's a tough one....
I thing I go with ONE exclusive Nightcrawler.
2.) I think there really should be a Steelbook to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes ;)
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Thank you for this great giveaway @C.C. 95 and congrats to your spamming achievement :LOL::thumbs::OMG: I really enjoy our talks and that I can find you all around the forums especially at some of my favorite places, the comics and the criterions :rolleyes:

Also thank you & @spass for the tag :thumbs:

My favorite Steel is Forbidden Planet :drool:


And the movie missing as a Steelbook the most is:

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Wow, congratulations @C.C. 95
This ist a great give-away. Thanks a lot.
1.) My favorite Steelbook (not my favorite movie) is Oz The Great and Powerful. Everything is done right: wrap around picture, spot gloss elements, embossed title, glossy. Absolute beautyful.
2.) I really hope for a quality Steelbook for "The Golden Child". I loved the movie as a kid. It was funny, a lot of Fantasy in it and Charlotte Lewis.
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Thanks for that great giveaway and congrats for the 10000 posts ! :thumbs::notworthy:

1) Here's my favorite steelbook, I guess :whistle:

2) What should get a steelbook treatment ? Maybe TRUE LIES, at last...
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Thank you for this great giveaway @C.C. 95 and congrats to your spamming achievement :LOL::thumbs::OMG: I really enjoy our talks and that I can find you all around the forums especially at some of my favorite places, the comics and the criterions :rolleyes:
My favorite Steel is Forbidden Planet :drool:
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Thanks @dan8885 ! Mutual feelings on our shared love of cinema, comics, vinyl, etc.! (And you are quite Spammerific yourself!:rofl:).
I thought I had all the classic movie steelbooks - somehow I overlooked and missed Forbidden Planet!!:OMG::wow:
I better get on that!!!:LOL: Thanks, brother!:thumbs:
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