Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3D - In theaters April 04, 2014


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May 3, 2011
From IMDB:
Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and teams up with Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C.
Stars: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Robert Redford


Old infos:
From IMDB and source

After saving the world twice in two years in Captain America: The First Avenger and this summer's The Avengers, it looks like Captain America is going to get to take a year off. Disney has just announced the release date of Captain America 2, the third outing for Chris Evans as the star-spangled super soldier, but fans of the hero are going to have to wait until 2014 to watch as he "continues his affiliation with Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D and struggles to embrace his role in the modern world," according to a Disney press release.

After this summer's Marvel's The Avengers, Cap will have until April 4, 2014 to rest up, clean his indestructible shield and get used to this modern world before getting into action again, confirming rumors that the movie could be in production as early as the end of this year (Neal McDonough, who played Dum Dum Dugan in the first installment, had leaked that information to reporters earlier this year). That leaves Marvel little time to find a director to replace Joe Johnson, who headed up the first in the series; rumored to be in the running are The Adjustment Bureau's George Nolfi and the Community producer-director team of Anthony and Joe Russo. Maybe there's hope for some kind of superhero role for Donald Glover after all...

Marvel's The Avengers is released May 4, with the Marvel movie universe continuing with Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 both set for release in 2013.


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pretty much what the last 2 pages say, this movie was done very well, great acting, good story, definitive plot, etc...

Spoilers also some Thor 2 and IM3 discussion in there as well

my one gripe and I said the same thing after IM3, Thor 2, and Cap 2. Where are the rest of the avengers or at least some of them. I get this is a Captain America movie and in no way shape or form do I expect Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, or Hawkeye to have a significant amount of screen time. All I am asking is that at the end battle scene, when Extremis is going to kill the president, dark elves are about to destroy not just one planet but 9, or when 20 million people's lives are about to be ended that you see one or more of the other avengers in the background doing something. Like Tony gets on the communications and says OK Thor you take care of the main bad guy, I'll take care of the other surrounding troops, or since it was Tony's technology in the hellicarriers he gets on the line and somehow jams something to buy Cap 2-3 extra minutes. I dunno just something that shows they really are a team even if they will let the main movie star to take care of the main bad guy.

Just my $0.02

Loved seeing the twins and this whole Fox Mutant issue versus Disney/Marvel plays out with how they can portray each character

Also saw my first GotG trailer, looked pretty good. I was so-so on it but I may go. it!!! That's what I've been telling everyone!! Where the hell are the other Members?? I mean small roles or cameos will suffice but damn, Nada? That's exactly how I've felt watching Thor 2 and Iron Man 3, I mean where was Hawkeye in CA 2??? But CA 2 kicked Major Ass:scat:
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pretty much what the last 2 pages say, this movie was done very well, great acting, good story, definitive plot, etc...

Spoilers also some Thor 2 and IM3 discussion in there as well

my one gripe and I said the same thing after IM3, Thor 2, and Cap 2. Where are the rest of the avengers or at least some of them. I get this is a Captain America movie and in no way shape or form do I expect Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, or Hawkeye to have a significant amount of screen time. All I am asking is that at the end battle scene, when Extremis is going to kill the president, dark elves are about to destroy not just one planet but 9, or when 20 million people's lives are about to be ended that you see one or more of the other avengers in the background doing something. Like Tony gets on the communications and says OK Thor you take care of the main bad guy, I'll take care of the other surrounding troops, or since it was Tony's technology in the hellicarriers he gets on the line and somehow jams something to buy Cap 2-3 extra minutes. I dunno just something that shows they really are a team even if they will let the main movie star to take care of the main bad guy.

Just my $0.02

Loved seeing the twins and this whole Fox Mutant issue versus Disney/Marvel plays out with how they can portray each character

Also saw my first GotG trailer, looked pretty good. I was so-so on it but I may go.

spoiler answers

in Iron Man 3, the only good people who knew about the President kidnapping is Tony and Rhodes. They contacted the Vice President to alert the good guys but they didn't know he was working for Killian too. Thus, no other Avenger knew about the President kidnap. in Thor: The Dark World, Darcy made several attempts to contact SHIELD but to no avail. and nobody on Earth knew who Malekith was or what he was up to except for Thor, Jane and gang. And besides, if you see Thor fighting a bad guy, you knew the bad guy's gonna lose. Thor is the Avengers' biggest gun after all.
what i've learned from watching Marvel Phase 2 movies is that not every crisis, no matter how big or how many people are going to die requires an Avengers assembly or even 1 or 2 of them suddenly showing up to help. Tony can take down AIM on his own just as well as Thor can save the Universe and Cap and take down Hydra.
And I remember reading an article somewhere that Hawkeye's wherabouts during Phase 2 will be revealed in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Marvel likes to tease these kind of things. They never explain SHIELD's absence in Iron Man 3 or in Thor: The Dark World until Captain America: The Winter Soldier. i remember reading comments that SHIELD's lack of activity in the earlier Phase 2 movies was a plot hole. now that Cap 2 is out, that "plot hole" has been answered. we have to be patient and wait till 2015 to know what Hawkeye has been up to.

spoiler answers

in Iron Man 3, the only good people who knew about the President kidnapping is Tony and Rhodes. They contacted the Vice President to alert the good guys but they didn't know he was working for Killian too. Thus, no other Avenger knew about the President kidnap. in Thor: The Dark World, Darcy made several attempts to contact SHIELD but to no avail. and nobody on Earth knew who Malekith was or what he was up to except for Thor, Jane and gang. And besides, if you see Thor fighting a bad guy, you knew the bad guy's gonna lose. Thor is the Avengers' biggest gun after all.
what i've learned from watching Marvel Phase 2 movies is that not every crisis, no matter how big or how many people are going to die requires an Avengers assembly or even 1 or 2 of them suddenly showing up to help. Tony can take down AIM on his own just as well as Thor can save the Universe and Cap and take down Hydra.
And I remember reading an article somewhere that Hawkeye's wherabouts during Phase 2 will be revealed in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Marvel likes to tease these kind of things. They never explain SHIELD's absence in Iron Man 3 or in Thor: The Dark World until Captain America: The Winter Soldier. i remember reading comments that SHIELD's lack of activity in the earlier Phase 2 movies was a plot hole. now that Cap 2 is out, that "plot hole" has been answered. we have to be patient and wait till 2015 to know what Hawkeye has been up to.


OK I understand what you are getting at, however my counter point will be this, even if one avenger can take down the villain. If you are a superhero you do not stand by and idly watch it occur. You suit up and get involved. Do I expect to see Tony Stark showing up at Caps apartment no, but come on Nick Fury is supposedly 'dead' that's not going to trigger anything from any other avenger. Thor being the only exception as he is usually on another planet

As to communication being down or unavailable or enemies getting in the way. For Thor 2 when temporal disturbances start occurring and there is a huge battle going on stuff like this would be picked up in the news, someone's cellphone, looking out the window and seeing 9 planets aligned, etc. It would not take Tony or Caps more than a few minutes to get themselves there at that point.

In Cap 2 we get the impression Tony's tech is now somewhat in the hellicarriers. If so don't you think the second something seems to be awry Jarvis would be like, hey Tony we have a problem over here. You already see Tony is willing to infiltrate shields files in Avengers 1, I doubt he all of a sudden grew a conscious and is trusting of them. Or the fact that 3 huge hellicarriers just appeared over the skies of DC and there seems to be a lot of shooting going on from there [when Falcon is evading the cannons].

Again I get what you are saying and again I am not asking for the Entire team to get suit up or even really be seen, but if you are Marvel and you build up phase 1 and lead up to the scene in the Avengers in NYC when the team is officially 'formed' when the camera finally circles them [right before Cap directs everyone where to go and Tony calls hawkeye Legolas] then yes I do expect some cameos during the end battle sequences lending support because that is what superhero's do. Emphasis on the cameos.
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OK I understand what you are getting at, however my counter point will be this, even if one avenger can take down the villain. If you are a superhero you do not stand by and idly watch it occur. You suit up and get involved. Do I expect to see Tony Stark showing up at Caps apartment no, but come on Nick Fury is supposedly 'dead' that's not going to trigger anything from any other avenger. Thor being the only exception as he is usually on another planet

As to communication being down or unavailable or enemies getting in the way. For Thor 2 when temporal disturbances start occurring and there is a huge battle going on stuff like this would be picked up in the news, someone's cellphone, looking out the window and seeing 9 planets aligned, etc. It would not take Tony or Caps more than a few minutes to get themselves there at that point.

In Cap 2 we get the impression Tony's tech is now somewhat in the hellicarriers. If so don't you think the second something seems to be awry Jarvis would be like, hey Tony we have a problem over here. You already see Tony is willing to infiltrate shields files in Avengers 1, I doubt he all of a sudden grew a conscious and is trusting of them. Or the fact that 3 huge hellicarriers just appeared over the skies of DC and there seems to be a lot of shooting going on from there [when Falcon is evading the cannons].

Again I get what you are saying and again I am not asking for the Entire team to get suit up or even really be seen, but if you are Marvel and you build up phase 1 and lead up to the scene in the Avengers in NYC when the team is officially 'formed' when the camera finally circles them [right before Cap directs everyone where to go and Tony calls hawkeye Legolas] then yes I do expect some cameos during the end battle sequences lending support because that is what superhero's do. Emphasis on the cameos.

I hear ya, Mike, but
you have to just take these as live-action comic books. In comic books, heroes are always doing their separate thing and they're always teaming up. I'm sure there'd be more teaming up if these were animated films, but they're not and there's really no way to get all these actors together for every single Marvel film. That said, after Avengers, it would've been nice to see Hulk pop up somewhere, especially considering how Banner rode off with Stark in the end.

Cap's about to pass Thor: The Dark World's full domestic box office run in less than three weeks time! Crazy!!! EEK!
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I hear ya, Mike, but
you have to just take these as live-action comic books. In comic books, heroes are always doing their separate thing and they're always teaming up. I'm sure there'd be more teaming up if these were animated films, but they're not and there's really no way to get all these actors together for every single Marvel film. That said, after Avengers, it would've been nice to see Hulk pop up somewhere, especially considering how Banner rode off with Stark in the end.

Cap's about to pass Thor: The Dark World's full domestic box office run in less than three weeks time! Crazy!!! EEK!

I think we could go at this ad nauseum, at least I have ocielz on my side. :hilarious:

I can get what you are saying about these being live action comics, but the movie would not be one issue it would be the equivalent of a whole story arc. Withing a arc the characters may interact with other superheros. I don't expect every avenger to suit up for every minute detail or scrap they each get in, but at the end battle scene yes I expect something. Lets even say Avengers 2 (which I have not researched at all) has earth in trouble how is that more important than in Thor 2 when there were 9 planets about to be destroyed.

Again I understand all that that is why I am not asking them to be featured you don't even have to show RDJs face have a Iron Man suit and him just flying by with a voice over fro RDJ, maybe from far away you see a character swinging down and striking enemies with lightning bolts.
I think we could go at this ad nauseum, at least I have ocielz on my side. :hilarious:

I can get what you are saying about these being live action comics, but the movie would not be one issue it would be the equivalent of a whole story arc. Withing a arc the characters may interact with other superheros. I don't expect every avenger to suit up for every minute detail or scrap they each get in, but at the end battle scene yes I expect something. Lets even say Avengers 2 (which I have not researched at all) has earth in trouble how is that more important than in Thor 2 when there were 9 planets about to be destroyed.

Again I understand all that that is why I am not asking them to be featured you don't even have to show RDJs face have a Iron Man suit and him just flying by with a voice over fro RDJ, maybe from far away you see a character swinging down and striking enemies with lightning bolts.


I understand everything you're saying and I agree with it (hell, who wouldn't want to see other heroes pop up?), but it'll never happen because it'd just be too expensive. :(
Somewhat OT but I just watched Avengers Confidential:Black Widow & Punisher. It was all about those 2 characters kicking ass but during the final battle, some of the Avengers showed up. They had cameos and didn't really talked but their Presence was Epic!!!! That's how I want a Live action movie to be with Epic Cameos.
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Somewhat OT but I just watched Avengers Confidential:Black Widow & Punisher. It was all about those 2 characters kicking ass but during the final battle, some of the Avengers showed up. They had cameos and didn't really talked but their Presence was Epic!!!! That's how I want a Live action movie to be with Epic Cameos.

Watched that recently myself and loved it!
I think we could go at this ad nauseum, at least I have ocielz on my side. :hilarious:

I can get what you are saying about these being live action comics, but the movie would not be one issue it would be the equivalent of a whole story arc. Withing a arc the characters may interact with other superheros. I don't expect every avenger to suit up for every minute detail or scrap they each get in, but at the end battle scene yes I expect something. Lets even say Avengers 2 (which I have not researched at all) has earth in trouble how is that more important than in Thor 2 when there were 9 planets about to be destroyed.

Again I understand all that that is why I am not asking them to be featured you don't even have to show RDJs face have a Iron Man suit and him just flying by with a voice over fro RDJ, maybe from far away you see a character swinging down and striking enemies with lightning bolts.

hahahaa.. yes, i get what you mean. but like i said before, in Thor 1, only Thor and his gang knew that the 9 planets are about to be destroyed because he knew what Malekith is up to. I don't think any other Avenger knew about that.
yes, production wise, it will be damn expensive to get some of actors to even cameo but to have the characters off screen with a voice or even some far away lightning bolts with no actual appearance would look really weird and steer away from what it's supposed to be a Captain America movie.
and if you read Iron Man 3 prelude, it shows that War Machine is fighting some bad guys on another side of the planet while the Avengers are fighting the aliens in New York. This shows that while there's a bigger crisis happening on one part of the world, it doesn't mean that everywhere else is safe.
and since Cap 2 takes place after Thor 2, Thor is already on Earth by this point.