Elon Musk Unveils Humanoid Robot to Take Over ‘Boring’ Work


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Dec 28, 2012

As Elon Musk stood in the wings at Tesla Inc.’s AI day, a person dressed in a skintight white suit and black helmet did a jerky robot dance across the stage.

And with that, Musk flagged a move into a new realm of science fiction: life-like humanoid robots designed to take the drudgery out of everyday life.

The Tesla Bot, a prototype of which should be available next year, is designed to eliminate “dangerous, repetitive and boring tasks,” like bending over to pick something up, or go to the store for groceries, Musk said. “Essentially, in the future, physical work will be a choice.”

“Tesla is arguably the world’s biggest robotics company,” Musk said. “Our cars are basically semi-sentient robots on wheels.”

The bot was the show-stopper of Tesla’s AI Day, during which engineers gave highly technical presentations on the company’s autonomous-driving development work with the goal of recruiting talent to the Palo Alto, California-based company.

“Develop the next generation of automation, including a general purpose, bi-pedal, humanoid robot capable of performing tasks that are unsafe, repetitive or boring,” says a job posting on its site. “We’re seeking mechanical, electrical, controls and software engineers to help us leverage our AI expertise beyond our vehicle fleet.”

Musk has a long history of unveiling products that are merely prototypes, essentially selling a vision before it exists in reality. In November 2017, Tesla unveiled its Semi truck at a late-night event near Los Angeles, but that vehicle has been pushed back until 2022 at the earliest, due in part to challenges making larger battery cells.

Tesla’s stated mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, so a humanoid robot feels a bit like mission creep. Musk didn’t outline how robots would fit into the company’s clean-energy initiatives.

via Bloomberg
Well it was just a matter of time before this happened especially with today's technology. If you recall that's all the robots were doing at the beginning of the movie i, Robot. Carrying purses, walking the dog, taking out the garbage, next they'll be made to outwork the human and take over his job, I mean they already have unmanned 18 wheelers driving the roads now here in the USA. Next thing you know it'll replace over 50% of US workers with poverty at an all time high from people losing their jobs from better working robot workers and then Skynet is created and the end of the world. It's a long downward spiral we take. It all leads to our destruction imho. The Terminator said it best; it's in our nature to destroy ourselves. (n)
@Savage Clown How much one of those costs ? Yeah. Could you afford buy one to walk your dog ? would want one to walk your dog ? Right. So calm down man ... So ain't taking poor man's/woman's job for a long time.
@Savage Clown How much one of those costs ? Yeah. Could you afford buy one to walk your dog ? would want one to walk your dog ? Right. So calm down man ... So ain't taking poor man's/woman's job for a long time.
I don't think it's so far fetched at all, it's already taking over truck drivers jobs if you bothered to read my post. People are paying millions of dollars just to take a flight into not outer space but just to the cusp of it, it's a waste of money I know but the point is that were already there. People can afford to pay for these things. So no I won't lay idle while this takes place and if a protest forms you can count me in, I will definitely be there. Wake up, it's already upon us, now we must take affirmative action to make sure it doesn't continue before it gets out of hand.
I don't think it's so far fetched at all, it's already taking over truck drivers jobs if you bothered to read my post. People are paying millions of dollars just to take a flight into not outer space but just to the cusp of it, it's a waste of money I know but the point is that were already there. People can afford to pay for these things. So no I won't lay idle while this takes place and if a protest forms you can count me in, I will definitely be there. Wake up, it's already upon us, now we must take affirmative action to make sure it doesn't continue before it gets out of hand.

Yes, Savage, I read your post, but things are different. Here in Finland cars are not allowed to drive by themselves. And I think it's so in most of Europe. Of course there are rich people, have always been. But so what, do you think they want dumb robot over human ? Think not ... I mean those who employ low wage people like bar owners. No way they can afford robot army over real waitressess.
Yes, Savage, I read your post, but things are different. Here in Finland cars are not allowed to drive by themselves. And I think it's so in most of Europe. Of course there are rich people, have always been. But so what, do you think they want dumb robot over human ? Think not ... I mean those who employ low wage people like bar owners. No way they can afford robot army over real waitressess.
Well you can be all nonchalant about the whole thing but I'm looking at the big picture and I see what it can become. It's just like Covid when it first hit and the CDC and WHO warned about it and I got really worried because I'm in a high risk state with my diabetes and asthma so I'm more susceptible to and it can kill me pretty quick and people said I was overreacting and then I had two people close to my family die from it and now the hospitals in my city are at max capacity with Covid patients and if you contract Covid your turned away until they can help one of the preexisting patients get released. I had a friend with an appendicitis in hospital that checked himself out because he was laying on a gurney in the hallways with no nurses available to help him. Think I'm overreacting, think again...it's upon us and we should be worried. Robots that evolve into more mainstream workers will happen and we should be very worried about it.
Well you can be all nonchalant about the whole thing but I'm looking at the big picture and I see what it can become. It's just like Covid when it first hit and the CDC and WHO warned about it and I got really worried because I'm in a high risk state with my diabetes and asthma so I'm more susceptible to and it can kill me pretty quick and people said I was overreacting and then I had two people close to my family die from it and now the hospitals in my city are at max capacity with Covid patients and if you contract Covid your turned away until they can help one of the preexisting patients get released. I had a friend with an appendicitis in hospital that checked himself out because he was laying on a gurney in the hallways with no nurses available to help him. Think I'm overreacting, think again...it's upon us and we should be worried. Robots that evolve into more mainstream workers will happen and we should be very worried about it.
I think it wouldnt effect America in the same way ... more so because if it affected too many people we have too many people willing to go burn down said robot factories etc. Just saying, if hundreds of thousands lost their jobs, I dont think they'd stand for it. It needs SUPER TIGHT GRIP regulation id say .. as there can be some good, but without tight regulation it could get ugly like you mention. But one good would be picking up litter in cities etc. a robot that could potentially do the job all day all night long. Who knows maybe even a way to fight the Forest fires more efficiently. hot shot crews have to be dropped in to cut down rows of trees to make breaks. Maybe there could be a way drop off tons of robots in strategic locations to chainsaw trees down at a quicker more strategic rate. I'm not too well versed on that so idk ... but overall your right, just a matter of how long ... because, capitalism. But if it were only regulated to maybe environmental concerns or something maybe could have a grip on it.
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I think it wouldnt effect America in the same way ... more so because if it affected too many people we have too many people willing to go burn down said robot factories etc. Just saying, if hundreds of thousands lost their jobs, I dont think they'd stand for it. It needs SUPER TIGHT GRIP regulation id say .. as there can be some good, but without tight regulation it could get ugly like you mention. But one good would be picking up litter in cities etc. a robot that could potentially do the job all day all night long. Who knows maybe even a way to fight the Forest fires more efficiently. hot shot crews have to be dropped in to cut down rows of trees to make breaks. Maybe there could be a way drop off tons of robots in strategic locations to chainsaw trees down at a quicker more strategic rate. I'm not too well versed on that so idk ... but overall your right, just a matter of how long ... because, capitalism. But if it were only regulated to maybe environmental concerns or something maybe could have a grip on it.
Not bad, outstanding idea. Yeah I'd say they'd have to be regulated closely. We sure don't want any Terminators running around. :rofl:
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The more interviews with Musk I read, his opinions, or tweets, as a matter of fact, the more I like him as a person. Usually it's the opposite with anyone famous.
He moved to Texas.
He makes jokes about gays (because he needs people to populate other planets...)
Supporting Canadian truckers now.
'The segregation establishment' cannot like all that...:D
The more interviews with Musk I read, his opinions, or tweets, as a matter of fact, the more I like him as a person. Usually it's the opposite with anyone famous.
He moved to Texas.
He makes jokes about gays (because he needs people to populate other planets...)
Supporting Canadian truckers now.
'The segregation establishment' cannot like all that...:D

I have an ongoing discussion with my brother about him, he really doesn't like him because he seems to promise a lot of things and "only" half-deliver on them very often.
I love that the world has someone like him, basically a proto tony stark. And I love that there is someone actually taking steps in humanity becoming a multi planitary civilization, why did no one else do this before him? It's mind boggling to me that billionares are more concerned with getting even more power and money instead of driving the species forward.
The thing I was taken back by last year is that he built a giga factory in Berlin and for this directly violated nature protection laws and built it in and through a national park area, driving out wildlife and changing the structure of a natural water resource. I'm not a hippie or anything, but that really sucks. The people to blame in the first place are probably the politicians and officials who just waved this through to get a piece of the pie but still, it's not cool at all.
Still, I can't say that I'm not a fan of his on a lot of levels.
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