How To Crackle Your SteelBook


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
I've been asked before on how I did this and I finally got around to taking some pics of the tools I used to use. It's pretty simple actually. So if you feel like experimenting then have fun.

(Mod note: I'll move thread to chat area later this afternoon)

The only hard part is if you are doing spot crackle like the MOS steel shown. For that you take a plastic (hard like) sleeve and use a fine point sharpie and trace out the areas you want to stay like the finish of the steel. You then cut that template out and put the plastic overlay on top of the steel with magnets to hold it on tight. Then do your spraying.

You can use masking tape for small parts, but plastic overlay is better for bigger and difficult areas.

@dfoles I know you were once interested.

Cardboard Template , used to do sides of steel case. Put the steelbook in a display stand so it rests steady and use template on it then spray. (you will make a mess, keep this in mind)

Foam template (could be cardboard too im sure, but i used foam) Made to use for top and bottom.

And this goosebumps spray is what is used. Spray further away for finer spray, multiple pass overs once in between dries can help. Overall, test and practice on steels you dont care about. Experiment.


The biggest pain in the ass is that no matter how well I tried cleaning this bottle or spray straw they pretty much always clogged up and became useless. I would constantly be pouring out what's left into a new bottle each time so I would usually have long sessions to accomplish as much as possible before quitting for the day. The sprayer on this is very fine and even buying spray bottles and trying I never found a good one that worked as well... tho if someone really gets into this like I once was I'm sure some better alternatives are out there. IMG_0440.jpg IMG_7308.JPG IMG_7309.JPG IMG_7310.JPG IMG_7311.JPG Secret Santa 2013 004.jpg Secret Santa 2013 005.jpg Secret Santa 2013 010.jpg
Nice guide ! I remember glossing my steels. Inhaling all those toxic fumes in my shed lol. In all fairness it was a waste of money and time. All these retailers will eventually release a premium steel for every film out there. More retailers are joining the steel book game and multiple releases of the same film are coming out. We are spoilt for choice. Don't really need to pimp up steel's anymore.
So you just spray this substance over the Steel and you will get that pattern No finishing on top of it?

That is correct. Dont spray too close. Start far away as you can then move closer if the results arent what you like. Good to throw down huge piece of cardboard under neath as you'll have over spray mess, and you'll need dry time, I often did sides first then opened up steel full wide and did the front back and spine same time. Been years so kinda hard remembering.