Krypto's Glorious Inglourious Basterds Collection


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Oct 26, 2011
Chicago, USA
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Welcome! Please THANK my Inglourious Basterds Collection!!!

Thanks for allowing me to USE you. :happy:

Tag me anytime for your collections.

hehe I have only 2, the asian award and the FAC :) btw just an FYI, I was the one that had the FAC award created (along with the help of a moderator of course)... just love those FACs so very very much, nice to see people going for this award :thumbs:
hehe I have only 2, the asian award and the FAC :) btw just an FYI, I was the one that had the FAC award created (along with the help of a moderator of course)... just love those FACs so very very much, nice to see people going for this award :thumbs:
FAC is one of my favorite collections aside from BluFans, NM and Mondo X.