Last movie seen at theater?

Jan 30, 2009
England |

What was the last movie you saw in theater or the next one you plan on seeing?

Enjoys Guys & Girls :)


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Pixar Grants Girl's Last Wish to See Up

Colby Curtin, a 10-year-old girl suffering from terminal vascular cancer, told her mom that she wanted to live to see Pixar's Up. But before she could visit the theater, her condition became too unstable for her to be moved.

Colby's family called Pixar, guessed a name of an employee to break through the automated operator and explained the situation to the first person they reached. A Pixar employee flew out immediately with a DVD, toys and posters in hand. From the OC Register:

Colby couldn't see the screen because the pain kept her eyes closed so her mother gave her a play-by-play of the film.
"Do you think you can hang on?" Colby's mother said.

"I'm ready (to die), but I'm going to wait for the movie," the girl replied.

At the end of the film, the mother asked if her daughter enjoyed the movie and Colby nodded yes, Lisa Curtin said.

Colby died later that evening, hopefully fulfilled in at least some small way.

I like it when things like this happens. You know people out there still care!!! I'm glad the little girl got to at least have a little smile.
Really? You didn't like it? I loved it! Day 1 purchase for me.

i just found a few things to be rediculous. the main thing being that they seemed to stick the work mother-f**ker in whether the scxene required it or not. I'm all for profanities but it seemed like that was the only way they were gonna make it believable that Travolta was bad-ass just by making him say it more often than he should. There are some other scenes that really bothered me as well but i'm not sure we got spoiler tags here or not so I will just stay out of it. I would give it a 2.5 out of 5. Still some very entertaining stuff in there but I guess I expected alot more. OH, another thing that drove me nuts was the cinematography with that "jumpy, blurry, slow-mo but not really slo-mo" effect they used during chase scenes and such. Hated that.
saw Knowing last night...


I like sci-fi flicks and it did have some good sound/good PQ for blu-ray but then it's like you're watching a scientology movie. The whole story is just... blah.

Anybody have any foreign film recommendations? Something I can get through netflix...

Snatch, Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Bareels, Rock n Rolla :hilarious:

Seriosuly Letters from iwo jima was good and days of glory

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