Horror Chat Movies not for the faint of heart (or Digitalbabe)


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Aug 24, 2011
Buxton Maine
Whats the most disgusting, worst or just plain wrong movie you have ever seen? I thought Feed was one of the most disgusting, but I liked it.


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Eden Lake made me feel quite uncomfortable.... a high amount of realism in that movie, especially with the youth culture of the UK

The Evil Dead remake made me squirm in a few places
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I personally would not put films like Eden Lake and collector in same category as men behind the sun or August underground. Very different and imo latter much more gory and exploitive.

True, especially of The Collector (a movie I enjoyed). Eden Lake isn't as gory but it's definitely up there with the most upsetting films, so I think it could be included.
I loved The Collector and The Collection!
Great flicks. Such sad state of affairs with studios and money.
I asked Marcus Dunstan on facebook early this year about part 3 and he said he would love to do it but after the issues with studio and part 2 he dont have hopes.
I loved The Collector and The Collection!
Great flicks. Such sad state of affairs with studios and money.
I asked Marcus Dunstan on facebook early this year about part 3 and he said he would love to do it but after the issues with studio and part 2 he dont have hopes.

My friend and I who saw The Collector in theaters and liked it thought The Collection was terrible :bag:
Uncensored Cannibal Holocaust is unnecessary due to the animal cruelty, the rare occasion when a censored movie is better. Bad Taste or Braindead for over the top gore, any number of Japanese movies will turn your stomach, never seen the Guinea Pig movies but they'll certainly make you vomit in disgust. Then there's Nekromantik 1 and 2....

Agree....and Faces of Death etc. I don`t "get" these films at all.
Uncensored Cannibal Holocaust is unnecessary due to the animal cruelty, the rare occasion when a censored movie is better. Bad Taste or Braindead for over the top gore, any number of Japanese movies will turn your stomach, never seen the Guinea Pig movies but they'll certainly make you vomit in disgust. Then there's Nekromantik 1 and 2....

Do you mean @nekromantik ?? :naughty: :D
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ha ha!
I actually not seen Nekromantik :emb:
Got the bd still need to watch it.

Really? I don´t believe you :D May I ask you the 50€ question? - Why did you choose the name for?
I hope you will not be disappointed, otherwise you´re branded :D:D:D
I'd like to add The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). Not because of its gore, but it's just pure horror. When I was rewatching it yesterday I found myself gnashing my teeth and grabbing anything I could get my hands on. After everything I had a gag reflex few times during the dinner scene. I had no idea that the film was so effective. Filmmakers who nowadays just throw blood and guts to the screen to shock you should try learning something about the REAL horror. After 40 years the film still works. And Tobe Hooper never did anything as good as that, but I salute him for directing that masterpiece. One of my favourites. And one of those films that make me suffer the whole time I'm watching them.
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Most disturbing films ever (most of which are also indisputable masterpieces), in no particular order:

Man Bites Dog
Funny Games (the original, never saw the remake)
I Spit on Your Grave (ditto)
Last House on the Left (ditto)

Most disturbing films that are also extremely gory/disgusting:

Cannibal Holocaust
Nekromantik 1+2
A Serbian Film
Men Behind the Sun
Human Centipede 2

Bloodiest/goriest horror films that aren't really disturbing beyond the gore--no cheap shot-on-tape crap allowed:

City of the Living Dead
The Beyond
Ah, hell, let's just say Fulci
Cannibal Ferox
Zombie Holocaust
Beyond the Darkness
Ah, hell, let's just say early 80s Italian horror
Evil Dead 1+2
Dead Alive (Braindead)
The Wizard of Gore (this one's beyond ridiculous, but it's the goriest film from the guy who invented gore films)
Bloodsucking Freaks (for one scene in particular, involving a straw)

I've probably missed a few, but I'm too lazy to get up and scour my movie collection for more.

A Serbian Film tops them all. In its genuinely uncut form it's the sickest film in existence. The only truly uncut version is in DVD format only, from Invincible Pictures.

I found the first Human Centipede more humorous than disturbing, but the second one has a completely different atmosphere.

The Guinea Pig series doesn't disturb me at all because it's shot on ultra-cheap video and the effects are laughable. In fact, everything is laughable.

August Underground films are equally laughable.

So are Adam Chaplin and Cross Bearer.

Feed was alright, but I didn't find it very disturbing.

Hostel, Inside, and Frontière(s) are somewhat disturbing, but not really top 20 material.

Philosophy of a Knife is one of the dullest "films" I've ever seen. And like the Guinea Pig series and August Underground crap, It's also very amateurish. Not disturbing at all. Unless you're deeply disturbed by boredom.

I don't think The Woman is that disturbing. It's a pretty good film, but Lucky McKee has yet to live up to the promise of May (which isn't disturbing, it's just a great little film).
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When I was watching The Human Centipedes there were many parts when I just wanted to stop, I don't mind gore but when they try to provoke the viewer just for the sake of it... It's pathetic and purposeless, like making a tasteless bad movie only so you can say:"Haha! I bet I got you disturbed! Gotcha!". That's disgraceful to the whole movie industry.

And the thing with The Woman is almost the same, the filmmakers think that the movie is hilarious and clever, but it definitely isn't. Many movies don't offend me, The Woman did. No one should ever watch it.

couple of things.

- the woman is a sequel. the woman is not so innocent that this films makes her to be.
- it is based on a book, so maybe you should say that 'author thinks that the book is hilarious and clever' :naughty:
- i kinda liked it.
- these are 'just' movies. if it makes you feel something, it has done it's job. I just watched 'tomorrowland' and hated every second of it. far worse than the woman or human centipede.
- watch begotten and you'll know how disturbing movies can be. trailer : (bet you do not wanna see it as a whole, I saw it rakkautta ja anarkiaa and wanted to walk away, but my friend and driver* made me stay)
* could not leave with out him.

@Paperinukke pls comment these clips.

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Most disturbing films ever (most of which are also indisputable masterpieces), in no particular order:

Man Bites Dog
Funny Games (the original, never saw the remake)
I Spit on Your Grave (ditto)
Last House on the Left (ditto)

Most disturbing films that are also extremely gory/disgusting:

Cannibal Holocaust
Nekromantik 1+2
A Serbian Film
Men Behind the Sun
Human Centipede 2

Bloodiest/goriest horror films that aren't really disturbing beyond the gore--no cheap shot-on-tape crap allowed:

City of the Living Dead
The Beyond
Ah, hell, let's just say Fulci
Cannibal Ferox
Zombie Holocaust
Beyond the Darkness
Ah, hell, let's just say early 80s Italian horror
Evil Dead 1+2
Dead Alive (Braindead)
The Wizard of Gore (this one's beyond ridiculous, but it's the goriest film from the guy who invented gore films)
Bloodsucking Freaks (for one scene in particular, involving a straw)

I've probably missed a few, but I'm too lazy to get up and scour my movie collection for more.

A Serbian Film tops them all. In its genuinely uncut form it's the sickest film in existence. The only truly uncut version is in DVD format only, from Invincible Pictures.

I found the first Human Centipede more humorous than disturbing, but the second one has a completely different atmosphere.

The Guinea Pig series doesn't disturb me at all because it's shot on ultra-cheap video and the effects are laughable. In fact, everything is laughable.

August Underground films are equally laughable.

So are Adam Chaplin and Cross Bearer.

Feed was alright, but I didn't find it very disturbing.

Hostel, Inside, and Frontière(s) are somewhat disturbing, but not really top 20 material.

Philosophy of a Knife is one of the dullest "films" I've ever seen. And like the Guinea Pig series and August Underground crap, It's also very amateurish. Not disturbing at all. Unless you're deeply disturbed by boredom.

I don't think The Woman is that disturbing. It's a pretty good film, but Lucky McKee has yet to live up to the promise of May (which isn't disturbing, it's just a great little film).

A Serbian Film has finally been released uncut on Blu-ray in Sweden. It has English subtitles. Only thing is it uses the MPEG-2 codec and has lossy audio.
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couple of things.

- the woman is a sequel. the woman is not so innocent that this films makes her to be.
- it is based on a book, so maybe you should say that 'author thinks that the book is hilarious and clever' :naughty:
- i kinda liked it.
- these are 'just' movies. if it makes you feel something, it has done it's job. I just watched 'tomorrowland' and hated every second of it. far worse than the woman or human centipede.
- watch begotten and you'll know how disturbing movies can be. trailer : (bet you do not wanna see it as a whole, I saw it rakkautta ja anarkiaa and wanted to walk away, but my friend and driver* made me stay)
* could not leave with out him.

@Paperinukke pls comment these clips.


I've heard of that film because the same director made the film "Shadow of the Vampire", but I've never watched it. Based on your clips as a very emotional movie viewer I have no idea how uncomfortable it would be to watch that. I wonder if the film is actually good or just pointless violence trying to be "art". Maybe if we Finnish ninjas meet up some day this should be the movie we're going to watch. ;)
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