My Model Painting & Dioramas

Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
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Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Well as it's looking I'm getting bored with everything and I'm not working now due to certain medical conditions and needed something to occupy my time otherwise I'd go stir crazy. I've decided to get back into painting miniatures, not so much for gaming though, more or less just for the painting aspect of it. Although the miniatures I used to paint way back in my 20's were pewter and very small and so far the ones I've been painting lately have been quite large. As I progress through each figure that I'm painting I'll show you all my progress, sort of a glimpse of what's to come. So without further ado let's get crackin'. :)

Here's some examples of what I'll be painting.


Savage Clown Workshop 05 550.png
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Here's an update to my Glutton Demon. Greater Nurgle
He's coming along pretty good, he doesn't look like fern grew all over him. This is a different shade of green which is the color for Nurgles.

Looks great :thumbs: Looking forward to seeing the others that you have finished :naughty: Very tempted to pick one up from that company and give one ago :D How big is he?
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Looks fantastic mate, Always best to take your time when it comes to these sort of models as they can very quickly start to go wrong and sometimes the mistakes are not always noticeable until the next day. I used to find this myself if id been painting to long, my eyes would start to get tired and id mess something up.

But if you have had 30 years away from the game then this is damn good mate:thumbs:

Happy Birthday by the way :whistle::thumbs:
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Looks fantastic mate, Always best to take your time when it comes to these sort of models as they can very quickly start to go wrong and sometimes the mistakes are not always noticeable until the next day. I used to find this myself if id been painting to long, my eyes would start to get tired and id mess something up.

But if you have had 30 years away from the game then this is damn good mate:thumbs:

Happy Birthday by the way :whistle::thumbs:
I watched a ton of YT videos to help me get started again, I sure hope it pays off. My eyes do often feel tired after a while painting, it's because your focusing on one little thing and that puts a strain on your eyes. I have to take breaks often to alleviate the stress in my eyes. Hopefully one day I'll be good enough to do commission work and sell my painted miniatures for some serious cash.
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The videos are always helpful ( well some of them ).These sort of miniatures can go for a pretty penny.
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Progress Report: I'm still working on my Glutton Demon but while I'm casually working on him I'm also getting new paint of different shades and... new miniatures! Yes! I got a set of new miniatures in the mail today. Forge World's: Demon Plague Toads of Nurgle. I just finished putting them together, their resin based and not plastic making them of higher quality. As you can see there on 50mm round bases so I ordered some 60mm square bases for them, still waiting for them to arrive in the mail. Here they are, I have not even primed them yet.

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I pretty much finished my Glutton Demon, I just need to add a little blood paint called "Blood for the Blood Gods" on his giant mace and also some stringy glue stringed between his upper and lower teeth to make it look like saliva. Also I need to finish him with some matte varnish to seal in all the work I've done on him. In the meantime I also spent about 8-hours working on his base and it's finished as well. So here are photos of the base for now.

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Really looking forward to seeing him finished:thumbs:. The Base looks fantastic mate love the details that you have put in. You can see why it took the time it did:thumbs::thumbs:

Great job mate :notworthy::whistle:
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