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Bring The Good Times Home
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Jan 3, 2013
Use the Ninjas for rating (copy and paste)

Half Ninja = Terrible


1 Ninja = Poor

2 Ninjas = Ok

3 Ninjas = Good

4 Ninjas = Very Good

5 Ninjas = Excellent

Last edited:
You mean the 2009 animated movie? i wasn't aware of any 2013 WW movie?
No bud, it's just a fan made short. This one...

I remember seeing it a few years ago, so a while before Gal Gadot was chosen to play Wonder Woman, and at the time I thought the woman portraying her in the short looked like the perfect WW! Of course my opinion has changed since seeing Gal in action though. :D
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I was underwhelmed by that one too.
I love a slow burn, and inferred things, and creepy atmosphere- but it just didn't pay off.
(And I love oblique endings like Blair Witch, etc.) It felt like a very lazy ending.
That's exactly how I felt about it too... the build up was slow and creepy (the soundtrack played a huge part in that), but unfortunately it led to nothing, which was very disappointing, like you said.
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No bud, it's just a fan made short. This one...

I remember seeing it a few years ago, so a while before Gal Gadot was chosen to play Wonder Woman, and at the time I thought the woman portraying her in the short looked like the perfect WW! Of course my opinion has changed since seeing Gal in action though. :D

Ah i see. I can tell they didnt have a lot of money to work with but they did a good job with what they had.
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Baby Driver (2017) -

I had a rental for the past weekend. It just so happens it was a brand new shiny 2018 model that they just received so i was the first one to drive it. I could even smell the paint when i got it. It still had all the plastic wrapping on the headrest, backseat, etc. Anyway, i went to watch Baby Driver in theatre and on my way back, for whatever reason, i wanted to 'test' how fast the new car could go. I was a bit sleepy because it was like 1am and i was hungry. Next thing i know a cop pulled me over and giving me a $220 ticket for doing 130km/h on the highway (which has a 100km speed limit). He was nice enough to bring the speed down because i was actually driving at 160km/h. I'll let you guys decide what kind of rating I'd give this movie :coffee:

The Specialist (1994): 3.5/5

Sometimes cheesy action thriller with Stallone as a bomb expert is entertaining, no one seems to make action movies in this style anymore with an indestructable hero (I may be out of the loop a bit). James Woods is another good thing about the movie as the ******* agent trying track Stallone down.

Prime Sharon Stone is at her sexy best :)
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The performances were solid, as were the FX. The story itself was okay, but it could have been so much more! The story had kind of a weirdo vibe to it, but the culmination was satisfying. That said, the most satisfying element of the movie was Jennifer Lawrence, who brought it from a 2 to a 3 Ninja rating.

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Shogun Assassin (1980)

The bad English dubbing aside (I've seen a lot worse to be fair), this was really well put together, considering it's two movies edited in to one. Loved the voice over by Daigoro/Cub though, and the soundtrack was almost as cool as Lone Wolf himself!
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So I watched Spider-Man: Homecoming last night and I thought that it was good. Michael Keaton was phenomenal in it and Tom Holland played a perfect Spider-Man AND Peter Parker (whereas Tobey was a better Peter than Spidey and Andrew was a better Spidey than Peter). The flaws come from the screenplay. Without giving away too many details, the story depended too much on the Iron Man and Avengers movies/characters, and that made it lose all the important aspects that make for a great Spider-Man film. The twist/reveal at the end made for quite the :facepalm: moment, too. That said, Homecoming easily had the BEST Marvel Studios opening logo.
Spider-Man: Homecoming

It was bland in it's execution- lacking any sense of directoral voice, narrative thrust, or reasonable character motivation.
The performances are perfectly fine for the material the actors are given to work with- however the film lacks all sense of inspiration and wonder that should accompany a Spider-man film.
Homecoming is not so much a narrative catastrophe, like how both of the "Amazing Spiderman" films were- nor does it come across as contrived.

However, Homecoming was lifeless- soulless- and not entertaining enough for me to stay through it's duration.
Walked out of the theatre about 20 minutes from the ending.
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