Sleeves/Hard Cases and protection For SteelBooks™


Steelbooks Anonymous
Premium Supporter
Mar 23, 2010
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Manta Lab PET Protectors - through

Box Set - Full Slip/Lenti/Double Lenti

Sleeves and jumbo sleeves:

SteelBook Accessories |

Plastic slipcover:

SCF1 Full slip from Steelbook Central
3 sides slip & Jumbo from (Germany)
Kimchi Clear Plastic cases
Retroprotection (various custom sizes)

Steelbook Central's eBay Shop for USA Customers Cine Grail

FilmArena Sleeves and Protectors

Steelbook Central hard case size guide:
Order at


Google spreadsheet with what titles fit which protective covers from Steelbook Central. Please edit and add to the spreadsheet titles that you know of and which slips will fit them. There are tabs for each kind of protective slip. SPREADSHEET

Original post:
Hope I have this in the right place. I'd like to get some hard cases for my more valuable steels. They seem hard to get. A seller on Ebay Germany is selling them, but won't ship to Canada. but was unable to get any. Can anyone help?:(
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Anyone had any issues with steelbook central recently?

So basically I’ve had about 8 orders with them in 10 years. 5 or 6 of those orders to my previous address, 1 to my new address around a year and half ago and then my newest order (My normal order - steel wraps for steels and slips) which was placed at the week before the end of June

When I ordered the site said they were away until the end of June etc which yeah all good.

Got no dispatch email or anything then by last week the order still hadn't turned up so I messaged them to see if it had been sent, they replied yeah etc and if I’ve not received it, It must be lost and that they will send another out. Few more days go by and nothing. This time I’m getting messages from them around 2/3am asking if my order arrived which I thought was a f**king weird time to deal with customer service. So I replied nothing has arrived and asked to make sure these are being sent to the right address (my email confirmation from the original order was correct and in order history but I just wanted to make sure). They were replying to me around 3am saying yes that’s correct the order and the replacement have been sent to the correct address and they replied with saying they have sent ANOTHER replacement out this time 1st class and sent a picture of the shipping label. That was Tuesday. There’s a possibility it will arrive today but if it don’t I’m adamant they are f**king with me

3 orders in a month going missing with Royal Mail from the same company? Nah. I’ve probably had 1 maybe 2 items go missing with the Royal Mail in my life. I’m constantly getting orders delivered to my address and I’m good pals with my postie. And 1 order that I sent out went missing ages ago. There’s something fishy going on with my orders from steelbook central.

So I wanted to ask has anyone else had any issues recently?
Scrap that. Postie just delivered the final one they sent out first class. But I don’t believe they sent the other 2 that miraculously went missing and he said to me he’s had nothing for me in the brown envelopes either. But glad the third lot turned up
No problems here. Ordered a big box to be shipped to the Netherlands and delivered within a week. Still the best steelbook / mediabook protectors out there imo
Ug. Katana Collectibles have reopened....with their prices greatly increased.
basically DOUBLED. :mad:
*EDIT- Maybe it was a glitch. Prices have returned to normal. :happy:(Oct. 15/2023)
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What is everyone using for the Second Sight editions?
I just purchased Possessor and Green Room but none of my current SteelbookCentral cases seem to fit
Anyone know if steelbook central is still trading. They seem to have had nothing in stock for the last month.
same as @larson1977, just got a big order from then last week, i had been waiting for stock updates. if you have not done so yet, put your details in for notification of stock updates for anything they're missing, they are good for letting you know about that.
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