Upcoming Star Trek: Picard (Season 3) [Paramount+]


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Feb 28, 2011

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"Space the final Frontier, to Boldly Go Where None has gone before". What do we get, a poster showing an old man and his dog?. Seriously!
Are we going to be getting Tales of the Vineyard. This week Picard manages to grow Grapes. Next Week Picard gets rat arsed (with the viewers not too far behind!). Actually the more I think about it I think the viewers need to get rat arsed to forget it ever happened........
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Sorry I simply have no faith in any of this. Star Trek died for me back in 2009 and I don't see anything forthcoming to excite me.... I know it's Patrick Stewart and I should be excited at this. But I genuinely can't get excited at this after the car crash that was Discovery...... I will reserve judgement until I see it but I just want proper Star Trek back not the Kelvin **** that's been shoved down our throats for the past 10 years..

I was astonished how good Jeri Ryan looked
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In all seriousness I do think that this is the last chance saloon for Star Trek

I think looking at that trailer it's possible all the people who have screwed up the franchise have been removed but if they can't even get iconic characters such as Picard, Data and 7 of 9 right I really will weep for all the lost potential. I would genuinely love it to succeed after all the crap heaped on fans of Dr Who, Star Trek and Star Wars over the past few years
I will be honest in saying that it was a nice surprise to see some of the old cast from prior shows. Still i remain skeptical but will nonetheless give it a chance. I always do.
The biggest question I have right now.... what’s the deal with the retro Romulan Bird of Prey?
Actually I was glad to see a proper Romulan Bird of Prey and the Proper Enterprise C. So maybe there have been major changes behind the scenes and that we could actually be seeing proper Star Trek again since Enterprise but it's obvious... Maybe someone at the highest level of CBS has twigged on why Orville is so good.

That Data is not real, The Girl is Picard's daughter and that Babe of 9 is the mother
Anybody else stoked for this? It starts next Thursday.

NO Same team that did Discovery did this. Zero interest. It has turkey written all over it. I suspect anyone hoping for the Next Generation is going to be pissed off. Most of my favourite franchises have been totally trashed in the past few years, I'm expecting Picard to follow the same trend. Sorry for being so negative. Had a completely different team done Picard I might have shown some interest.
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NO Same team that did Discovery did this. Zero interest. It has turkey written all over it. I suspect anyone hoping for the Next Generation is going to be pissed off. Most of my favourite franchises have been totally trashed in the past few years, I'm expecting Picard to follow the same trend. Sorry for being so negative. Had a completely different team done Picard I might have shown some interest.
You don’t even give it the benefit of the doubt, a shame really as I believe it’s going to be very good. I actually really liked Discovery too.
You don’t even give it the benefit of the doubt, a shame really as I believe it’s going to be very good. I actually really liked Discovery too.

As someone once said, I think it was Lew Grade "Give the public what they want, and if you can't don't waste their time". Discovery had nothing to do with Star Trek and everything to do with agenda's being shoved down people's throats. I did not recognise the show that Gene Roddenberry created and for me personally it stank in every area from casting to scripts to direction. Ham fisted aimless crap. I'm done with Star Trek, Dr Who, Star Wars and most of my favourite shows. Better things to do with my time that watch this tripe..... Picard will be no different.
@Lollard2002 For somebody who is "done with Star Trek", you sure spend a lot of time talking bad about it.
There are a lot of us on here who happen to like it still. I really enjoy Discovery and I think this looks great too. But I'm going to save my judgement until I actually see it.
You're judging this show before even watching it which seems very unfair.

I'm sorry for calling you out but I'm starting to get really tired of EVERY time something Trek related is brought up on here you go into a rant about how horrible all the new stuff is.
I understand that you were a big fan of the older stuff. But there is so much toxic fandom going on right now (especially with things like this or star wars) where people are so passionate about it and they seem to get so angry so fast. Focus on the things you love and devote your energy into that. Life is too short to waste your time putting hate out into the world on shows you don't like.

I honestly do hope you watch this show and give it a fair shot. And I hope that you enjoy it. I really do.
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I would certainly be giving this show a shot too.
I understand Trekkie fans have been annoyed/disappointed with Discovery (and this show) but I've overlooked the problems of Discovery and just enjoyed the show as just another sci-fi show.
For me, Star Trek has started going off the rails as far back as Enterprise with the whole temporal/Earth-Xindi wars storyline :wacky:
I honestly do hope you watch this show and give it a fair shot. And I hope that you enjoy it. I really do.

I think Star Trek Discovery was dire and that's as nice I can be on this forum. Enjoy Picard, I won't be watching it. It's the same team that did Discovery . They will have the same agenda with Picard as they had with Discovery My personal opinion is that Star Trek should have been a long rest after Enterprise and i mean long like 30 years. The "problems" with Discovery as Uraki mentioned above are so serious they undermine the very nature of the show and haven't just pissed of the fans but like Dr Who totally alienated them. Kaw call me out all your want and call me every name under the sun if it makes you happy but I (and many other people) are sick to the back teeth of classic shows being hijacked to peddle agendas with **** all entertainment value. Make no mistake the entertainment industry is in serious trouble and the suits at the top are not listening. Anyway rant over, you won't be hearing from me again on this forum regarding Star Trek or Dr Who or classic shows for that matter. I'm done. I've thrown in the hat. ...... I've walked away from it all.....I won't be replying to any more posts.
@Lollard2002 For somebody who is "done with Star Trek", you sure spend a lot of time talking bad about it.
There are a lot of us on here who happen to like it still. I really enjoy Discovery and I think this looks great too. But I'm going to save my judgement until I actually see it.
You're judging this show before even watching it which seems very unfair.

I'm sorry for calling you out but I'm starting to get really tired of EVERY time something Trek related is brought up on here you go into a rant about how horrible all the new stuff is.
I understand that you were a big fan of the older stuff. But there is so much toxic fandom going on right now (especially with things like this or star wars) where people are so passionate about it and they seem to get so angry so fast. Focus on the things you love and devote your energy into that. Life is too short to waste your time putting hate out into the world on shows you don't like.

I honestly do hope you watch this show and give it a fair shot. And I hope that you enjoy it. I really do.
I couldn't have said it better myself. :D
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