All Week Thank you HDN for another amazing Ninja Week!

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Apr 12, 2009

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Click for Archived 2016 Contests/Winners

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Hello ninjas!

As Ninja Week 2016 has wound down for this year, we want to thank you ALL all for your amazing support and participation in our event! And a special welcome to our returning members and our new members who joined the exciting collectors mayhem that is the site!

Our event has grown from just 6 giveaways to 100's over the last 5 years, and our members and retail sponsors have helped us grow the event by leaps and bounds, attracting 1000's of visitors to our community each February.

As always we had generous retail sponsors, like,,,,,,, who donated amazing prizes, and, and offer discount codes. Visit and support them here.

Our members add this this excitement with their limitless generosity by hosting giveaways, making donations to support the community and spreading the word about this unique online pop culture giveaway celebration. Thank you all!

A special thank you all of our Section Supervisors who lead giveaways and supported the increased traffic on the site over the week, to @Naughtius Maximus who coordinated our prizes and ninja giveaway thread launch, and @tridon who worked with additional sponsors this year, and to all of our generous largest prize donators such as @apsmith21 and @Naughtius Maximus who made sure that there were always new and exciting giveaways live. A very special thank you to our many, many members who decided to host giveaways-your generosity is what makes HDN as unique (and fun and crazy) as it is-you all are the best!

Last but not least, to @Snollygoster who worked tirelessly with me on 100's of graphics to make Ninja Week visually exciting and provide promotion to our generous sponsors, giveaways and promotions before and during Ninja Week.

Like every year, winners can be found in stickied grand prize, and un-stickied individual threads. Congratulations to all of our winners-enjoy your prizes!

See you again in 2017 for another amazing #bestweekever!
HDN Staff
@apsmith21 @Wreck


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I copy my post from @Ricker 's thread since I would say anyway the same again :angel:

I've won so much that I feel uncomfortable :oohyeah::oohyeah::oohyeah::oohyeah:

The whole week was HELLA FUN :woot::woot::woot: and the weekend was oscar worthy :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Thanks so much to all who participated in my own Giveaway and to all ninjas who made the week AWESOME :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

Thanks to HDN, the staff and all sponsors who generously sacrificed their time and/or prizes to all of us and made this all possible :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

HDN ******* ROCKS (Franky voice) :woot::thumbs::sing::cool:
It's definitely been one epic, exhausting Ninja Week. A massive thanks to all of the Ninjas who generously donated and a HUGE congratulations to all of the winners!

@Naughtius Maximus, you kicked butt being the head of this crazy ship.

A shoutout to @Apollon and @mllNY who helped make threads go live at the appropriate times and for bumping up my own giveaways during the week. I'd also like to give a shoutout to @zesty for giving everyone here the chance to hold and appreciate his amazing custom work in-hand.

@digitalbabe... what would this place be without you? You absolutely rock and I appreciate you answering a lot of my retailer-orientated questions throughout the last few weeks.

@Snollygoster, you did an AMAZING job with all of the graphics this year. Now get to work on those print videos! :p (just kidding)

@Wreck and @apsmith21, thank you for the awesome giveaways and as always, for being the kings of this ninja-stuffed castle!

A special thank you to all of the wonderful retailers who not only took the time to respond back to me, but then generously donated awesome collectibles for our community to compete over.

It's been wild!

Lastly, a personal thank you to you, the Ninjas, for continuously helping to grow this community into the wonderful place that is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of shipping to do and a pile of editing to catch up on for the HDN homepage.

Thanks for the amazing work guys & gals. The giveaways were absolutely amazing. As usual I didn't win anything (last year I won a giveaway, which probably was due to a system malfunction coz I have no luck at all LOL) I just would like to thank all mods and members involved.
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Gutted I missed it due to an unexpected and extended hospital stay. Hoping I can go home soon
Hope you get better Rob! :thumbs:
HDN ******* ROCKS (Franky voice) :woot::thumbs::sing::cool:
@dan8885 HELL YEAH!!! :woot: :notworthy: :cool:

I love this amazing place! :drool: Thanks for everything @digitalbabe @Wreck @apsmith21 @Naughtius Maximus @tridon @Apollon and everyone else that made this Ninja Week another amazing and unforgettable EPIC event! :notworthy: ALL of your hard work is greatly appreciated! THANK YOU!

Now bring on 2017!!! :woot:

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