What Games/Boardgames are you playing?


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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
Hey Everyone,

So as of the new year I decided I wanted to play some more games. I was tired of being with friends and just watching TV while playing on my laptop.

The problem is I did not have a lot of games, or rather I just had the mundane ones, so I found a local store and a group and started playing various card, board, and strategy games.

So what are you currently playing, what do you recommend, sound off below :thumbs:
I know there are other resources but hey lets see what the ninjas play.

So first I must say I discovered AEG games and like a lot of their microgames; Love Letter (Tempest and Kanai), Agent Hunter, Cheaty Mages, Card of the Dead, and Mai-Star. I also like Trains from them as well.

Other things I have recently played/discovered: Catan, Bang, In a Pickle, * Bit Monster, Dix It, Mr Jack and whole bunch of other stuff

Also I finally picked up the Legends of Drizzt Board Game which I should have done a while ago.

Things on my list to play Council of Verona, Gentleman Thieves, Resistance, Dominion, and Whitechapel
I love to play Risk. I get so mad when somebody takes some of my army's. which is my downfall, because then I just go on a rampage against that person till I lose everything. I suck at it. but it's an awesome game of World Domination.
Influence by Matt Cocuzzi


So this is one of the first games I bought on a whim called Influence. I can say you win some and you lose some this was a case of lose some.

The game is interesting. Castles are aligned around a central card and your job is to gain and maintain control of as many castles as you can. There are a few starting setups and depending on the players a different amount of available castles. Castles you control also exert influence on surrounding castles which can help you gain control of other surrounding castles. But wait you get to change the order of how the castles are resolved and sabotage other players along the way.

I think the game can be fun with the right people but damn is it hard to explain. People just seem frustrated when explaining it. Will I trade it in no, but I think it will take the right group or maybe a larger group to make the game more interesting.

Have you played it or do you have any questions.

More games to follow
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I'm an old school D&D player but only ever realy played 1st & 2nd Edition. I recently bought a 4th Edition starter ppack but have yet to actually sit down and read it. :)
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Cheaty Mages by AEG from Seiji Kanai


So like I mentioned above, you win some and you lose some. This is where you will win, both by picking up the game and in the game.

So like I mentioned AEG has a lot of microgames and this is one of them. This game coming from Seiji Kanai (more on his games later) and is a really fun game for 3-6 players. The basic premise is that you are mage coming to watch fighters fight in an arena. What's more you are betting on the outcome. But we can't let it be a fair fight so of course you brought some spells with you to both help your fighter but also weaken the other fighters. However aside from the other mages (players) there are also judges. If they see too many spells they may dispel all your hard work or worse remove your fighter.

What can I say this is a fun game that retails for about $15-20. Open it up with people who aren't into magic and they like it because of the betting component. Bring in people who understand targeting spells and mana drain and they love it. The games last about 45 minutes, maybe a bit longer when you have to explain the game but is worth it. You even get little gold silver and bronze money tokens that you win between rounds.

Results: Lots of fun, buy it!
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I had to dig these photos out of the photo album and scan them as they were actually hard copies. :p Just some of my Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Collection. Some of these are 1st editions but most are 2nd and 3rd editions. If your curious, yes I have all of the 1st editions still too.

I still have a few books laying around but most is in storage right now until I can find space for them. I don't think I'll ever get rid of them as most you can't find anymore and they are expensive at the time. I'm sure there worth a whole lot more now. :drool:




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Bang by Emiliano Sciarra


Ever wanted to get into a shootout in the old west with your friends, but without the mess of gunshot wounds and death :hilarious:

Well this might be your game. Bang is a card game for 4-7 people where you become a character (each character has a special ability) then are given a role. There is the Sheriff, Deputy, Outlaws, and the Renegade. Everyone knows who the Sheriff is at the outset but you don't know who the rest of the players are. The goal if you are the Sheriff or Deputy is simple, kill the outlaws and the renegades. The Outlaws goal is obviously to kill the Sheriff and his deputy. And the Renegade just wants to be the last man standing. Depending on the players there will be a split of how many types of roles there are from there it is a matter of figuring out who is who.

The first obstacle is typically you can only Bang (shoot) the person next to you. That means you need a better gun with better range. Get some beers after you've been shot and you can get some life back but watch out for that dynamite or else you're pretty much a goner. For a group of people this is a fun game. I recommend it! Have at it. :scat:
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Card of the Dead by AEG


So this is another quick card game from AEG called card of the dead.

Essentially you are avoiding the "Zombies" and getting to safety by taking actions. You can "kill" the zombies using the chainsaw card or you can run away. If you get far enough away you win if you are the last survivor you win. However other players can send zombies your way or remove your movement points. You can also survive but be bitten and get no points. Once you have a specific number of zombies (based on the number of players) surrounding you, you have to kill them or give them to someone else and once you pass a certain threshold of zombies your dead.

Its a pretty quick filler game for $10 maybe better for kids. As for AEG games this is the weakest "microgame" I have bought, fun but maybe not a must pickup.
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Agent Hunter by AEG


OK so this is Agent Hunter by AEG a pretty fun 5-10 minute filler game for 2 players. You can play as long or as little as you like.

Basically you have 10 cards in your hand numbered 0-9 and you choose and place 3 of these cards face down in front of you. These cards becomes your safehouses. The object is to figure out your opponents safehouses by using your remaining cards to guess. If I use my 7 card on a specific safehouse and my opponents card is higher he tells me it is higher and then I have a good idea of what it is. However I don't want to use too many of the cards in my hand otherwise it gives away some of my advantage to letting my opponent know what I have in my hand versus what is out in front of me.

Also during the game you get 5 chance to swap out your safehouse. So if I figure out my opponents card is an 8 he can swap that 8 or fake swap it.

You can also use your safehouse to guess at your opponents safehouse however if you are wrong you lose it.

SO that is Agent Hunter in a nutshell. It is a quick fun game. The art in the cards is nice, though ultimately you can just use a deck of cards to the same effect. Still I really do enjoy my AEG microgames...
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Love Letter by AEG


There is nothing more to be said than buy this game right now. Seriously go out, find your local game store (cause I generally support local game stores) and buy this game. For $9.99 you cannot spend better.

From AEG
In the wake of the queen’s arrest, all the eligible young men of Tempest (and many not so young) seek to woo Princess Annette. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, and everyone must rely on those within the palace to bring their romantic letters to her. Will yours reach her first?

Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck, for 2–4 players. Get your love letter into Princess Annette’s hands while keeping other players’ letters away. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long and your letter may be tossed in the fire!

So the game play is draw a card and play a card and plays 2-4 players, though 3 or 4 are generally preferable. There are 8 cards and they each have a different ability, the goal of the game is to use these cards to eliminate other players on your turn. Each roand lasts approximately 3-5 minutes and you then play until someone wins 4 rounds. Its a very simple game that can provide hours of entertainment, because it is so small it can fit in your pocket or in a bag but not weigh you down. If you ar elike me and go to comic cons this is the absolute best way to strike up a conversation with people around you and kill waiting in line time.

This game has a ton of re-playability and has won a ton of awards.
OK here's one from a different company other than AEG

Coup by Indie Board Games


A quick playing card game of bluffing, bribery and manipulation for two to six players.

The Resistance: Coup
In the not too distant future, the government is run for profit by a new “royal class” of multi-national CEOs.Their greed and absolute control of the economy has reduced all but a privileged few to lives of poverty and desperation.Out of the oppressed masses rose The Resistance, an underground organization focused on overthrowing these powerful rulers. The valiant efforts of The Resistance have created discord, intrigue and weakness in the political courts of the noveau royal, bringing the government to brink of collapse. But for you, a powerful government official, this is your opportunity to manipulate, bribe and bluff your way into absolute power.

To be successful, you must destroy the influence of your rivals and drive them into exile. In these turbulent times there is only room for one to survive.

Missed the kickstarter editions, you can buy the original edition from Amazon

So this game plays quick, rounds last about 10-15 each (increasing as the number of players increase), and can get brutal among friends. But man it is fun. You start with 2 influence cards that do grant you powers however you can bluff and say you are one of the other influence cards not in your possession but if you get called out you risk losing an influence card. Very fun and if you can get it cheap is worth it.

Love letter is much friendlier of a game and more travel friendly but this should be in your house. I would not recommend this with wine or beer however!
How is this for a double feature...don't worry I have plenty more games to report on.

Another game by Indie Board Games that was also funded through kickstarter and that I picked up at Gencon this year. Not sure the retail price but I only paid $5, going to assume the store version will be $10ish, and will not be as shiny as the kickstarter version. Don't worry if you missed the kcikstarter version I didn't even know about the game until I passed their booth at Gencon and took a chance


Dragon Slayer by Indieboardgames

The fast playing, press your luck, challenge your friends, roll till you drop dice game. With custom dice and a wonderful little twist.

It's fast playing, games take 15 minutes, so you can play while waiting for friends to arrive, in line, or over and over again all night long.
It has dragons that you are trying to kill.
It has dragon dice, dragons that are trying to kill you.
It's a "press your luck" classic, roll till you stop, go too far and you'll die.
That’s right, it is a dice game with a twist – real player interaction! Think your friend pressed his luck too far – challenge him to keep going. If he does, he can score big – but if he fails or worst yet doesn’t take the challenge, he’ll lose points and you get some.

Dragon Slayer plays 2 - 5 players

So as the description says 2-5 players for a quick 10-15 minutes. For $5 at Gencon it was pretty much a no-brainer cool box, cool concept, and has player interaction

CapCom Street Fighter Deck-Building Game by Cryptozoic

In the CapCom® Street Fighter™ Deck-building Game, you take on the role of Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Balrog, M. Bison or one of the other well-known characters as you travel to exotic locales seeking new challenges! While you begin armed only with basic combat maneuvers, you will add new, more powerful cards to your deck as you go, with the goal of defeating as many Stage Bosses as you can.

Each player starts with their own basic 10 card deck and draws a hand of five cards each turn. Power is the currency you will use to buy new, stronger cards to add to your deck. The goal of a deck-building game is to craft your personal deck into well-oiled machine. There are five different types of cards that can be acquired: Villains, Heroes, Equipment, Super Powers, and Locations.

A large, central stack of cards supplies a five-card “Line-Up” from which players make their purchases. Each player will always have five cards to choose from each turn, so every turn there are new options and new surprises.

When a player has amassed enough Power, he or she may attempt to defeat the current Stage Boss. When a Stage Boss is attacked, it retaliates against the attacker! With Street Fighter, the action is often one-on-one. Players can defend themselves with Defense cards like Chun-Li’s Bracelets and Electric Thunder. Each player also has access to a special Ultra card that is one of their character’s signature maneuvers. In the end, the player who has accumulated the most Victory Points from the cards in his or her deck wins the game.

This is a fun Deck Building Game that, though it usually plays longer than the 30-60 minute estimated time. The description above gives a pretty good description of the game play. Cryptozoic makes some pretty fun deck builders including the DC ones. This one plays a bit different than those in that you play against a base instead of the enemy. There are more intensive deck builders but I really enjoy this one and adds a bit more flair over the DC ones.
As it's the horror season, it's lots of Castle Ravenloft, Mansions of Madness, Arkham Horror, and Zombicide; all perfect for those creepy dark nights as we get closer to the season of trick or treat :)
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As it's the horror season, it's lots of Castle Ravenloft, Mansions of Madness, Arkham Horror, and Zombicide; all perfect for those creepy dark nights as we get closer to the season of trick or treat :)

I have Legends of Drizzt and someone gave me Ravenloft minus the figures. A friend of mine was just talking about doing a game of Manisions and Arkham (not to be confused with Batman Arkham) though I fear playing it cause I dislike 3-4 hour games
I have Legends of Drizzt and someone gave me Ravenloft minus the figures. A friend of mine was just talking about doing a game of Manisions and Arkham (not to be confused with Batman Arkham) though I fear playing it cause I dislike 3-4 hour games

What did you think of Castle Ravenloft?

And as I've gotten older, I don't mind lengthy RPG sessions, but I get very bored in 3+ hour board games. Hell, an hour is long these days for me.

As a wealthy Renaissance merchant, acquire mines and transportation, hire artisans and woo the nobility. Create the most fantastic jewelry to become the best-known merchant of them all! Acquire precious stones to trade them for development cards. Use development cards to acquire more gem stones. Use your gems and gold to create the most fantastic jewelry, and appeal to the nobles to gain the prestige you need to win.

2-4 players (best with 3 or more), with a 35 minute game time and lots of re-playability


So the game play is pretty fun. basically you start by taking gems (poker chips) to buy mines (cards) however as you gain these mines you can start buying higher level mines (as these higher level mines cost more and is where you get victory points)

Its a fairly straight forward game that I am not describing exceedingly well but was one of my favorite games in 2014.