
Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hey all,

Use this thread to chat about all things steelbook. Chat away ...

In an undetermined amount of time (when I need to submit GB addresses) I will then conduct the giveaway via random.org using the Post #s in this thread.

Your entries could be 1 (if you post 1 time) or 100 if you post 100 times.

At that time, I will figure out who wins the free DL TDK Blufans Edition. If you already bought the DL, you will get yours for free as I will refund you. ;)

I will host the giveaway LIVE on my IG by rolling the virtual dice first, if it lands on 5 then I will randomize the numbers 5 times and whatever # it lands on that post count # is the winner.
Since we are supposed to use this thread to talk about steelbooks, what movie do you have the most copies of from different countries/manufacturers? I think mine would be John Wick 1-3
Definitely The Fifth Element, as I started buying it from all the countries on DVD, for bonus features, which were absent on a R1 release, and then various HD releases, steels, digibook, and even that awesome Brazilian digipack most recently, thanks to @Th1ca !
Hi Wreck, Thanks for this great giveaway! To all...how did you get into steelbook/premium collecting? For me started out with DVD steelbooks...just liked that they we different than the usual. The artwork for those was pretty bad but still had about 150+ in my collection when blu-rays came along. Took me about a year to hunt down Downfall DVD steelbook and cost me $100.00. Still have that. Started collecting blu-ray steelbooks and the art got much better. Then one day I stumbled on Hi-def ninja and was addicted in short order. Knew I had a problem when I bought bad movies just for the art on the slips and steels. These days I'm much more picky on titles I go for. Have over 1700 steelbooks, VMB's, futurepaks and metalcases in my collection at this point. Sorry for the long winded post!
Some steelbooks were surely ugly then, but got better with time, and when BD came along, it's like they reset, started again with the ugly ones, blue bars on top, printed backs, as we called them. Every photo posted, or description issued on my forum, had to mention whether the back was 'clean' or not, and if there was inside art at all.
Definitely The Fifth Element, as I started buying it from all the countries on DVD, for bonus features, which were absent on a R1 release, and then various HD releases, steels, digibook, and even that awesome Brazilian digipack most recently, thanks to @Th1ca !
You know I've actually never watched The Fifth Element. Is there a version out there I should watch or just the normal theatrical cut