[WINNER CHOSEN] Wick meets Sicario - GIVEAWAY


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Dec 28, 2012
Who would win in a face-off?

John or Alejandro? Click on the "like" button of this post and reply with your choice and why.

ONE winner will take all that can be seen under the spoiler tag (all open and mint except Wick 2 SteelBook sealed). Winner pays shipping.

Wick Sicario.jpg

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Thanks so very much @IRON MAN for such an incredible prize opportunity!
I would have to go with Alejandro;


Though JW definitely has his head in the game when in the midst of confrontation, outside of conflict, he's a mess.
Sure, it's easier to garner sympathy for a man whom has faced such grievous circumstance but he can be caught off guard and unprepared at times due to his inner turmoil.
We therefore are presented the "good" bad guy.
Alejandro has no such hang-ups. He is essentially a ruthless killer that has no qualms of dispatching you regardless of your stance in life, you are merely a target.
Both have "does not play well with others" written on their report card but Alejandro will work with a team toward an objective, far more likely than JW.

So if I heard rumour that one of them was assigned to kill me, I would be far more concerned with Alejandro than JW.
JW I think I could essentially evade, given enough time and resources.
With Alejandro , I'm pooched, with hopefully sufficient time to make funeral arrangements. :bag: