2010/2011 NHL Thread


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Oct 3, 2010
Drums, PA
I didn't see an NHL thread, so i figured i'd start one. Who's your team? Who do you like, hate, love to see your team pick up/ Anything and everything NHL.

My favorite team is the Pittsburgh Penguins.
GO WINGS!!!!! I am a die hard Red Wings fan. Always have been and always will be till the day I die. I HATE Sidney Crosby and hope someone breaks his face in (Sorry Sixteenvolt its the way its gotta be haha). Wings shut out the Ducks last night 4-0 in the season opener and Pavel Datsyuk had himself a Gordie Howe Hat Trick!!!!

I am glad they got rid of a couple useless players (Maltby) and picked up Modano and Salei. I think they have a great team this year and as long as they stay healthy they should do really well.
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GO WINGS!!!!! I am a die hard Red Wings fan. Always have been and always will be till the day I die. I HATE Sidney Crosby and hope someone breaks his face in (Sorry Sixteenvolt its the way its gotta be haha). Wings shut out the Ducks last night 4-0 in the season opener and Pavel Datsyuk had himself a Gordie Howe Hat Trick!!!!

I am glad they got rid of a couple useless players (Maltby) and picked up Modano and Salei. I think they have a great team this year and as long as they stay healthy they should do really well.

No prob. Everybody hates somebody. I hate ovechkin. I can't stand looking at him. For some reason, he reminds me of that little weasel in high school that ya wanted to kick the crap out of. He's definately talented, i just can't stand him.
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No prob. Everybody hates somebody. I hate overchkin. I can't stand looking at him. For some reason, he reminds me of that little weasel in high school that ya wanted to kick the crap out of. He's definately talented, i just can't stand him.

Ovechkin is ridiculously good but he is a dirty player. I am getting sick of hearing about him
Well, my penguins are starting to play a bit better the past few games, especially the power play. I'm also glad to see Fleury sitting on the bench, he doesn't deserve to start, at the moment, after the way he played his first few games. Johnson is my choice for starting goalie for as many games as possible.