Custom SteelBooks Designs - Post Your Own Concept Art!

Do you feel like you've got a creative streak and would like to try your hand at designing some custom concept steelbooks? Give it a shot and submit your designs. Whether you know Gimp, Paint, Photoshop or the graphics editor of your choice we would like you to submit your designs and take that small chance that a studio might one day pick up your creativeness and use it on the next steelbook out there.

Everybody's designs are welcome and are treated equal to others. Please also feel free to leave your comments and Thanks on other members designs. This helps promote confidence and assuredness of ones beautiful designs. If you have a request, ask one of the designers to work up a mockup for you and see what they can come up with. We're all here for one thing; Beautiful SteelBooks! Let's make it happen. :scat:

Please go to our Resource Manager and download some free Photoshop templates, filters and backdrops to get you started. CLICK HERE!
-- AcIDc0r3

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Thanks for all the responses guys, much appreciated!

That's rather unfortunate they only do big orders, but totally understandable...

Sigh. If only selling those would be worthwhile - I don't imagine there's enough interest out there for a Ninja Turtles Steelbook... but I may be underestimating the market.

iNCREDiPiNOY, my suggestion is to check on websites every other day for updates. For the most part Future Shop is pretty good although they have encountered some (very minor and very infrequent) problems.
Hey, anyone else ever mix and match BD and DVD Steelbooks, and or create their own custom SB with the blank SB's you can buy?
Custom Steelbook art-your ideas/designs?


The object of this thread is to pose this question, "If you had the power to pick and choose the artwork for a Steelbook, what would you choose?"

Would you choose,

a) The Theatrical poster Art

b) The Teaser poster Art

c) a scene.publicity still from the Film itself

d) a Form of Sybolism related to the film (i.e. Twilight: New Moon Steelbook)

e) a completely new piece of art created for the Steelbook as an exclusive cover.

which would you choose? and why?

and..... if you so wish, give an example of what you would have done differently with a particular steelbook release, what would have made it "better" in your eyes.

okay discuss away!
Here is my Steelbook:
Front - Embossed and Debossed lettering and art on the front cover (liked how The Expendables had the letter and skull done)
If not cracked paint effect like 10,000 B.C. & COTT.
Movie poster different from the normal Blu-ray/DVD released ones on the front (like FS Inception compared to the normal release)
Back - Exclusive art on the back (always liked the back cover or IAL)
Inside - Scene from the film for inside artwork (Disney does this well with all the TS releases)

This has nothing to do with the art but I'm a sucker for slipcovers so lets just throw that in as well.

I know I'm asking for a lot but I would like to see all these things on a Steelbook one day, I can dream.
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I think it depends on the film. Symbolism is definitely a cool choice for those films that center around it. But sometimes, for me, one element of the film that signifies a repetitive theme, or action is also cool. For Predators, for example, I'd choose the red triangle that aligns over a target when Predator is about to annihilate someone. Just that on a jetblack Steelbook.
Re: Steelbook Artwork: If the power was in your Hands.

And embossed, maybe?
I think it depends on the film. Symbolism is definitely a cool choice for those films that center around it. But sometimes, for me, one element of the film that signifies a repetitive theme, or action is also cool. For Predators, for example, I'd choose the red triangle that aligns over a target when Predator is about to annihilate someone. Just that on a jetblack Steelbook.

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I would say embossed/debossed with no logos or writing other than the name of the movie. The more simple it looks the more stunning it can be.
Yes, love embossing and debossing...and some of the paint accents (example New Moon from Spain, Book of Eli from Germany)...
Yeah Book of Eli from Germany is frickin beautiful. Canada's BOE is awesome too, they are both a tie in my book. Love the spine of BOE Canada. An actual book spine haha.

Great thread btw, I will try to add some pictures and show what I would do if I had the power.
Although they're Ironpacks; all three movies in the Toy Story trilogy that actually matched each other in terms of art. It still really bothers me how they handled these releases.

Also, I would have loved if they had used the graphic novel art for Sin City throughout the Steelbook instead of having Rosario Dawson's huge profile on the front cover.
With ironpacks - steelbook REALLY needs to look at what ironpack is doing with new catalog releases. The art / highlighting / special features for the catalog ironpack releases are really kicking the re-hashed art that steelbook (or the studios) end up using for those releases.

IE - R&J, Moulin Rouge, Independence Day, etc...
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I'm sensing a change in the Steelbook/Ironpack controversy with a number of the membership lately. Some of the irons are really nice. I haven't opened any of mine, so I don't know if they are quality improved or not. I know I was quite pleased with A-Team as well. But I think Embossing/Debossing does more than anything to make a steel special. I know I won't give up my G1 Expendables. I wonder how long it will be before we see a change in attitude on case sizing?
With ironpacks - steelbook REALLY needs to look at what ironpack is doing with new catalog releases. The art / highlighting / special features for the catalog ironpack releases are really kicking the re-hashed art that steelbook (or the studios) end up using for those releases.

IE - R&J, Moulin Rouge, Independence Day, etc...
Black Sunshine-very cool thread! What about you? What art would you do differently? Or what art do you hope to see on any Steelbooks which you may decide to pick up? Any high hopes?:)
Thanks Camaro ;),

well as a lifelong fan of this film, I would LOVE to see the 1978 classic 'HALLOWEEN' in a gorgeous Steelbook.

Front: all black, Im thinking a 3/4 original Logo from the bottom up with "John Carpenter's Halloween" embossed at the top in that Orangy color.

Spine: to read Halloween in Orange

Back: (if you are Familiar with the movie you will know what im talking about) The Scene in which Michael Myers is Under the Sheet with Bob's glasses on standing in the door way (the "can't i get your ghost, Bob?" scene)

inside art: Michael Myers Sitting up in the background looking at Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) as she (in the foreground) is unaware that he is still alive and ready to come at her again. see attached.


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Black Sunshine-haha...nice...

Little gift for you....well...and for me (see spoiler below);)


I heard Halloween more times than I care to remember (I have a "love/hate" relationship with Michael Myers), as he terrorized me as a kid:) Mom LOVED horror movies, so I am all too familiar.Not like she let me watch them, but I have very salient memories of how scared I was, as a little girl, even of the music and his breathing. So what do I do? As an adult, buy the BD, of course, LOL! It's definitely a classic, and many people wanted this (as opposed to the remake) in a Steelbook. Here's to hoping more classic catalog releases come to SB!:)