Dealing with amazon sites with customer support

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Buffalo MX

Premium Supporter
Jul 20, 2010

We have had very hard time dealing with damaged arrivals but most of the time (for me) with 2 or 3 messages I got replacement or refund, please take a look to this problem I have with the Italian people and they horrendous support for foregin customers.

I placed an order for 2 Apocalypse Now both arrived damaged I opened one and back cover has many dings front has a little scratch over an edge.

I contacted and they answer very fast, I replied them and more than 24 hours passed no answer so I sent other message I got this answer.

Dear Mister Xxxxx,

I am sorry, but our Customer Service Representatives only offer support in Italian. Please contact back again in Italian so that we may assist you.
We will be pleased to help you when you contact us in Italian.

You can find all information about your orders at Amazon. it on our home page:

You can find instructions on how to use Amazon. it at:

If you speak English,

All Amazon websites have the same structure and each site has a Help Desk with instructions on how to use our sites.

Thank you for your understanding and interest in


Giuseppe C.

L'azienda più attenta al cliente del mondo.

This is by far the most ridiculous answers I have ever get over my online purchases.

First replay in full English:

Gentile Xxxx,

I am sorry about the items that you received damaged.

As you do not want a replacemente I can offer you a refund of 20% of the item price.

Also, i would like to remind you that we generally deal with customers only in Italian and that I ma making an exception for you.

Please let us know if you wish to proceed with the refund.


Eugenia F

L'azienda più attenta al cliente del mondo.

This is the first and only order over this site.

I will apprecite for help from Italian members on this metter.

Saludos y gracias
wow that's not cool at all, now i'm worrying about my order i haven't received yet, hopefully you get some help from the members from italy, they are really cool
Yeah I think things are getting lost in translation. Perhaps Dom or someone can contact them on your behalf and see what they say then. Curious that they said you could contact ... wonder if they are even able to assist.
Oh man, now I'm worried that my apocalypse comes in damaged.
As my previous order came in nicely, hopefully this time too.
Crazy support system. Amazon is international now with branches in several countries. They have to answer in english.

I still havent received any message from about the wrong version of Monsters they sent me...
My God! Lucky I never order from Amazon Italy. (Nothing interesting me yet).

Last time one of my friend order from Amazon German and it damage, Amazon German Customer Service do reply, but reply in German language haha!
My God! Lucky I never order from Amazon Italy. (Nothing interesting me yet).

Last time one of my friend order from Amazon German and it damage, Amazon German Customer Service do reply, but reply in German language haha!

That happened to me so I just google translate and respond.
I just have contact Amazon for your problem, let you know "soon"... ;)
But you have try to replacement method.
Go on and in your order of 2 apocalypse you try to select "Restituisci Articoli"
Then select the 2 Apocalypse, in the "Motivo del reso:" you select "Danneggiato a causa di un imballaggio inappropriato"
Then in Descrivi il problema: (obbligatorio) you write:
Salve, entrambe le steelbook mi sono arrivate danneggiate e con vari graffi.
Gradirei mi fossero sostituite entrambe.

Then you select "Continua"
Then you select "Sostituzione" and "Continua"
the next step I dont know, I simulate a replacement for you and I must stop at this step :p
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I have received the answer :scat:
Gentile Domenico,

la ringraziamo di averci contattato ed ho compreso il problema.

In questo caso, il suo amico, magari con il suo aiuto, dovrà effettuare una richiesta di sostituzione tramite il servizio resi online, direttamente dal "Il mio account" cliccando su "Restituisci un articolo"

oppure seguendo il link

La informo inoltre che solo il suo amico, con il suo account, potrà richiedere la sostituzione perchè il sistema richiederà di selezionare gli articoli dell'ordine e la ragione da specificare.

Per leggere la nostra politica dei resi e ricevere un’etichetta di reso personalizzata e stampabile, basta seguire le seguenti istruzioni:

• Visiti il nostro Servizio Resi Online all’indirizzo:

• Indichi se ha ordinato personalmente l’articolo che sta restituendo o se lo ha ricevuto in regalo e clicchi sul pulsante “Continua”
• Acceda con il suo indirizzo e-mail e la sua password.
• Nella pagina successiva potrà visualizzare i contenuti di ciascun ordine spedito di recente. Clicchi sul pulsante “Crea l’etichetta” accanto all’ordine in questione
• Selezioni la quantità di ogni articolo che sta restituendo, la motivazione della restituzione e compili la casella di commento. Se nessuna opzione descrive la sua problematica, selezioni quella che le assomiglia di più
• Scelga “Sostituzione” se desidera che l’articolo che sta restituendo le venga sostituito. Se non restituirà l’articolo entro 30 giorni, la sostituzione le sarà addebitata. Se invece non vuole che l’articolo le venga sostituito scelga “Rimborso”
• Selezioni quindi il metodo di consegna. Il Servizio Resi Online le fornirà un’etichetta di reso da stampare
• Se è riuscito a stampare la sua etichetta di reso, includa il codice a barre all’interno del pacco ed incolli l’etichetta di reso all’esterno
• Se non possiede una stampante, si assicuri di includere all’interno del reso una copia della distinta di imballaggio dell'ordine originale o una nota con il suo numero d'ordine. Confezioni in maniera sicura il pacco e ce lo spedisca

Per ulteriori informazioni clicchi qui:

Spero di averla aiutata.


Vitale P.

L'azienda più attenta al cliente del mondo.

So you can go to replacement :D, follow my guide ;) and let me know at the end, ok?
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My God! Lucky I never order from Amazon Italy. (Nothing interesting me yet).

Last time one of my friend order from Amazon German and it damage, Amazon German Customer Service do reply, but reply in German language haha!

amazon Germay has a section to get help in English in help page you will find at the end a "Contact us in English" with the UK flag icon then you will have a German page there you select the order in question continue answering in the last question you will select the last option "write us in English" thats better than get those stupid replies, in the new chat support 3 out of 4 tries a customer rep will help you in English too.
amazon Germay has a section to get help in English in help page you will find at the end a "Contact us in English" with the UK flag icon then you will have a German page there you select the order in question continue answering in the last question you will select the last option "write us in English" thats better than get those stupid replies, in the new chat support 3 out of 4 tries a customer rep will help you in English too.

+1 will definitely answer you in English if you choose that option. Sometimes it does take a message or two in addition for them to understand what I'm asking, but usually they get it on the first try. In that regard, I've had a very positive experience with
well,this is my first time that ordered from italy and i just got my two copies from apocalypse now and they arrived in perfect conditions, thank god! even when the package was in their regular envelope, from here on i won't order from them at least till i know they help you in English too. i have ordered from amazon de. and they have such an awesome customer service , even better than the uk in my experience.
Horhay comment lead me to use the google translator, that many times does a very weird job.

I send them the translation and clearly indicated that Germany has a English special section to get support, that their nonsense answers are by far a clearly indication they dont want to do business with other than Italians but they take foreign orders with no hesitation on that.

Also I request a replacement order.

Minutes ago I received an answer a replacement order is in,let see what happen in few days.

The label for return they sent will work outside Italy?
Horhay comment lead me to use the google translator, that many times does a very weird job.

I send them the translation and clearly indicated that Germany has a English special section to get support, that their nonsense answers are by far a clearly indication they dont want to do business with other than Italians but they take foreign orders with no hesitation on that.

Also I request a replacement order.

Minutes ago I received an answer a replacement order is in,let see what happen in few days.

The label for return they sent will work outside Italy?

Yeah I've ordered from before and have also requested exchanges. Too bad doesn't work the same way.
+1 will definitely answer you in English if you choose that option. Sometimes it does take a message or two in addition for them to understand what I'm asking, but usually they get it on the first try. In that regard, I've had a very positive experience with

Dude that is such awesome news. I haven't heard anything on my Tron Steelbook so I just went through this on while using and Google translate to navigate the site.
Just to inform you that the google translator job did worked out, today a replacement order was sent today with estimated delivery date this thursday, will keep you posted with results.
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