Hulu tries to explain why it snubbed PS3 owners

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
The popular free video-streaming service Hulu is still not working on the PlayStation 3?s web browser and an explanation from a customer service representative probably won?t clear up the issue. G4 received a response from the customer service rep, who explains that the PS3 problem appears to be linked to a legal issue with Hulu.

?Everything we do is with an eye toward achieving our long-term goal of maximizing the content you can access as conveniently as possible in a way that ?works? for the content owner,? the customer service rep wrote to G4. ?In the short-term that may require us to make some tough decisions, but we only do so when we believe it improves our long-term prospects to build a more enduring, legal solution to that same problem.?

The rep tries to explain that ?barriers? between platforms like the TV, recorded media like DVDs, online streaming services, and mobile phones have apparently made it so PS3 owners can?t use Hulu. There is not direct explanation from the rep as to why Hulu has blocked PS3 owners from its service.

It looks like for now you?ll have to get your free video service from other sources.
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