Bottleneck Gallery Incongruity by Timothy Pittides' Latest "Vices" Print


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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
Bottleneck is excited to be releasing Timothy Pittides' latest print in his Vices series, "Incongruity".

On why he chose "Incongruity" to be his next vice:

"I knew what I wanted to say, the question was how do I say it. One bad apple spoils the bunch? Sure, but it needed to be a stronger message. So here it is. The job is to protect and serve, not endanger and abandon. And to those still doing their job, upholding the oath they swore to, you are no better then the ones who threw that oath out if you stand by and do nothing to stop the snakes in your own yard. That is point of this piece.

Blindfolded by the white cloth, surrendering to the villainy that surrounds him, only his virtue and conscience (represented by the women) can free him. But the longer he waits, the harder it will be. The cloth grows, and soon, there won’t be enough good left to remove it."

The 12 x 18 inch, metallic, screen print is numbered out of an edition of 40 and will cost $30 each.

There will also be a metallic variant that is numbered out of 20 and will cost $40.

available at Bottleneck today at noon