Is there 1 steelbook you pick up and caress more than any other...?

Sorry to be a mood breaker, but if I had to caress one steel, no contest, Crysis 2 Nano. Nothing comes even close to how awesome it is. Anyone who owns it probably agrees :naughty:
I don't have any steelbooks I feel the urge to caress, yet.

I saw the Emmanuelle steelbook in Berlin for €10
I love my Iron Man 1 CA FS Steel because I had the chance to trade it with an employee from Future Shop for the Amaray version and 10 bucks, so it has a nice personal backstory for me.
For me probably my blufans releases but my personal favorite is Inception Japan, it's coming with me to a deserted island :scat:
:D I think all my steels get the same amount of skin time! Don't want any of them getting jealous! I do like to make some time daily to take them out of the poly bags and fondle! :naughty: