Machete has a release date!


Jan 27, 2009
San Pedro, CA
Back in January, 20th Century Fox bought distribution rights to Machete, the film from Robert Rodriguez that expands his jokey Grindhouse trailer into a feature. Now the picture has a release date: September 3, aka Labor Day Weekend. I’m not sure if that’s a good date or not for the film — traditionally the last hurrah of summer, a lot of families make their last getaway on the long weekend.

But for a film like Machete, which is really a niche film that needs to find a broad audience, it could work. The cast could attract people who aren’t pre-sold by the idea of an action/exploitation film that follows Danny Trejo as a badass Mexican out to mess with The Man. Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez and Lindsay Lohan are all appearing; that’s a weird lineup, if nothing else.

Film | Blogging the Reel World

For those of you who thought the trailer from Robert Rodriguez' Grindhouse was fake ;)