Mondo Mandy by Julian Totino Tedesco


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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
We’re mega fans of Katherine Lam’s artwork. They have a brilliant ability to convey the mood of a piece. This poster for THE EXORCIST is a proper testament to that. There is both solace and tension as Fathers Merrick and Karras prepare to enter the space of an unknown evil, like a calm before the storm. We love this poster.

Next up, we have a pair of new posters by the mighty Julian Totino Tedesco for one of the most gonzo, psychedelic horror films of the last 10 years: MANDY. If you’ve never seen this film and consider yourself a fan of batshit-bonkers, phantasmagoric revenge horror, featuring Nicolas Cage at his most Cage-iest, then saddle up and watch it tonight because you will want this come tomorrow. Julian crushed it.

These posters will be available on Thursday, May 12 at 11AM CT on The Drop at


MANDY Poster.
Artwork by Julian Totino Tedesco. 24"x36". Edition of 250. Printed by DL Screenprinting. Shipping worldwide in June 2022. $50


MANDY Variant Poster.
Artwork by Julian Totino Tedesco. 24"x36". Edition of 120. Printed by DL Screenprinting. Shipping worldwide in June 2022. $75
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