Most Favourite And Least Favourite Studios When It Comes To Steelbooks


Steelbook Surgeon General
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I was wondering what your most and least favourite studios when it comes to Steelbook releases.
For me, my favourite just has to be Paramount as they consistently feature quality Steelbooks often with Borders, embossing and always have great paint finishes. Take a look at the Mission Impossible series, Transformers and War Of The Worlds. Even The Untouchables looks great without any embossing.
As for my least favourite studio, it has to be German Studio Tobis. Blue banner, cheap Matt finish and printed backs. Face it, they look crap.
Fox UK have released some stellar Steelbooks (BraveHeart, Man On Fire, Predator, Prometheus, Alien Anthology etc) Imagine how great they would have looked with high gloss or dual coat finishes and some embossing/ Debossing?
Give me your opinions and thoughts. Maybe mods could turn this into a poll..
Thank you for your time.
Most favourite: Paramount UK - consistently release high quality Steelbooks

Least favourite: Disney UK - poor Steelbooks with very basic content, though hopefully that changes with the upcoming Zavvi titles
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Great OP :scat:

Fav is Paramount - Take a look at CaptA, Thor, IM 1 and 2 etc :oohyeah:

Worst is any studio which releases mass new/back catalog titles with printed "Blu-Ray" banner, Rating logos and Film specs :(
Well as distributors go it has to be Entertainment in Video who don't even give us slip-covers let alone a blooming Steelbook.
I think I am going to be in the minority but I actually like the Fox discs. I love the feel of the matte finish more than the glossy, non-metalic finish that the Paramount waves have had. However, a little bit of debossing/embossing never goes amiss, so somehow this means that the likes of Taken 2 is my favourite looking + feeling steelbook (I understand that most people don't stroke their steels, but for me tactile contact is part of what makes them so frickin' awesome).

Least favourite - well, I think the past is worse than any one studio. I own the original Scott Pilgrim UK steel and Prince of Pursia double play which both have writing on the back, so can safely say that steelbook from a couple of years ago are the worst.
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The thing with UK Lionsgate is that although they are locked to region B many people, including myself can get them to work on region A players with a little work around using the remote control. Same goes for French titles such as Conan.