Multi New consoles specs comparison are meaningless


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Aug 23, 2010
Per Gamespot:

Xbox executive Albert Penello believes comparing systems specifications between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is "in some ways meaningless."

"The problem is that Sony decided to go out and publish a bunch of numbers, which are in some ways meaningless," Penello told OXM. "Because this isn't like 1990, when it was 16-bit versus 32-bit."

He continued, "They actually go out and they talk about how proud they are about their off-the-shelf parts. Our guys'll say, we touched every single component in the box and everything there is tweaked for optimum performance."

Ultimately, Penello said he believes consumers will choose a console for the games it has, not for how it is described--technically--on paper.

"Here's what you care about," he said. "You bought a system to play great games and have great experiences," Penello said. "I feel like our games and experiences are going to be every bit as good, if not better, technically--on top of all the magic we're going to add with the instant switching, and the power of the cloud."

Penello said he would rather not even have the conversation about Xbox One vs. PS4 specifications because "it's not going to matter."

"I heard this exact same argument last generation and it's a pointless argument, because people are debating things which they don't know about. They're not [head silicon engineer] Nick Baker or [corporate vice president of IEB hardware Todd Holmdahl], and I'm not [lead PS4 architect] Mark Cerny, so why are we having this discussion?"
Well it is kind of true in a way.They are similar except for the DDR speed, and the amount used for their operating systems.For the first 3 - 5 years the developers have said they will only use about five gigs of that 8 gigs of ram anyway so the games will most likely look exactly the same.

It really comes down to who has the best services and exclusives.
I agree that there probably won't be much difference, but why wouldn't a ms exec say its meaningless when the competitor is using slightly better ram lol
Yeah, they're both going to be very close in specs for sure. If you ask me, Microsoft is just trying to gain any positive press that they can at this point, due to the E3 snafu. Good luck to them both this gen, though i'll only be owning a PS4.
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They are so alike that comparisons are really futile. It will come down to games, services are up to par unless u want a gaming machine and not a set top box with a camera :p. I'm only sticking with one console and not making the same mistake I did last gen when I got both and only my PS3 survived.
I agree that there probably won't be much difference, but why wouldn't a ms exec say its meaningless when the competitor is using slightly better ram lol

Their competitor had a stronger console last generations to and we see how that turned out.

not to sound like a Ms Fan boy, but Ms like it or not has the right ideas for the future.It's obvious the features that are needed for future gaming and the Xbox has them already.Sony on the other hands are pushing games, which is a great thing, but pandering to indies is only gonna get you a whole lot of crape games a year.

I always liked how Ms did with the indies.they made sure the products that were release were up to snuff,yes the updates and patches prices may have been way to high,but that could have easily been adjusted.They also could stand to no have to own the ip when they publish a game.Something EA has recently had to give up with Titan Fall.

The rules in regulations are there for a reason to makes thing better for the gamers.I really believe that Ms wants to be good to gamers but they are trying to move to fast to soon.
Their competitor had a stronger console last generations to and we see how that turned out.

not to sound like a Ms Fan boy, but Ms like it or not has the right ideas for the future.It's obvious the features that are needed for future gaming and the Xbox has them already.Sony on the other hands are pushing games, which is a great thing, but pandering to indies is only gonna get you a whole lot of crape games a year.

I always liked how Ms did with the indies.they made sure the products that were release were up to snuff,yes the updates and patches prices may have been way to high,but that could have easily been adjusted.They also could stand to no have to own the ip when they publish a game.Something EA has recently had to give up with Titan Fall.

The rules in regulations are there for a reason to makes thing better for the gamers.I really believe that Ms wants to be good to gamers but they are trying to move to fast to soon.

These are gaming consoles the fact that you seem to imply that the way gaming is going is away from gaming...Then what is the point of M$ fighting in this space?

There are some really sweet features on the Xbone, but being a set top box and being able to watch TV, that's not gaming...

M$ isn't the first one to think about going digital only, just look at Steam and every one of its competitors. The big difference here is that Steam doesn't have the draconian rules and they have some seriously nice prices. Some M$ can't even compete with. I don't see much of a benefit is you still need to pay to access features that are readily available elsewhere without having to pay (Obviously only subscription fees) Netflix, Hulu, etc..if that is being good to gamers, I really don't know what is considered bad...

The cloud is an impressive feat if it works like they are planning, especially if it's utilized correctly. Of course just hope there are no XBL service outages and you are golden.

Personally, I don't trust M$, so many reasons not to and it will take just a few google searches to find out the reasons (in case you are interested). So being good to gamers is really out of the question for me, they made a plan that not only deprive buyers from being able to use their copies as they choose to, but it broke the trust it had gathered from its fanbase. Sure, many out there are quick to give up any right just to show their loyalty, but that doesn't make M$ good.

They were so deep in a hole that they had to pull a fast 180, if their plan was so great and good for gamers, why did they change it? They made plenty of statements saying it was the way of the future and the value they were going to deliver was so great that everything else out there didn't even come close and yet they pulled the plug. If they believed to be doing the right thing for gamers initially, why did they give up their hopes for the future that easily? ;) Because maybe it wasn't good for gamers.

PS. I pulled that Steam comparison because that's the only thing M$ folks like to compare to. Seemingly, services are the same, but they are far from being the same...Note I am a Steam user and PC gamer :D
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I love the fact I can watch tv with my Xbox on. All I need is for it to play 3d blu rays, then I'll be able to save a bit of room and never have to bother switching plugs or input mode again!