Ten years later, the PlayStation 2 is here to stay

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
Ten years ago today, the PlayStation 2 was released in Japan, marking the launch of what would become the best selling console of all time. Over the past 10 years, more than 140 million PS2s have been sold worldwide.

It wasn’t that the PS2 came out of the races like a sprinter. Instead, the console has been more like a marathon runner, starting on two legs, progressively getting faster and better, and steadily running to the finish line while challengers failed from exhaustion. Sega’s Dreamcast was one such competitor that just couldn’t keep up with the PS2. The Dreamcast, launched in 1998, was popular, but it suffered from poor sales and was discontinued in 2001. Many PlayStation 3 owners still ask for Dreamcast games to show up on the PlayStation Store.

Sony’s other competitors at the time, Nintendo’s GameCube and Microsoft’s Xbox, were both popular, but paled in comparison to the success of the PS2. Sure, the GameCube had some great games like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. Melee, but it couldn’t keep up with the enormity of releases from Sony. Microsoft’s entrance in the videogame market, with the Xbox, helped launch the company into its current generation of console. But, like the GameCube, the Xbox sales were nowhere near as high as PS2s.


While the PlayStation 2 was launched on March 4, 2000, it didn’t show up in Europe and North America until fall of the same year, and even then supplies were quite limited. Heavy advertising for the console helped drive sales in the coming years. But, the most noticeable factor driving sales was the software.

Games like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, have sold more than 30 million copies combined. When you add in games like Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, and Kingdom Hearts, Sony’s sales figures start to rise drastically. Few games, on any recent system, have sold as well as those found on the PS2. Of course, Nintendo’s Wii and NES have several titles that outsold Sony’s games, but it’s hard to say how long the Wii can maintain its dominance.

One thing seems certain; the PS2 is here to stay for a while. The system retails for $99 USD, making it one of the most attractive investments for anyone looking for a killer home console. In 2009, Sony released about 75 games for the system, and while they may not get a ton of attention like PlayStation 3 games, they still do quite well for a system that’s 10-years-old.

The PS2 is still an important part of the PlayStation brand. Sure, Sony has moved its attention to the PS3, but its predecessor still has quite a lot to offer. A majority of PS2 sales go to families looking for an affordable gaming option, and there are plenty of family oriented games. With the PlayStation 2 Network Adapter (only needed on older systems), EyeToy, and a full line of games like Guitar Hero, Karaoke Revolution, Dance Dance Revolution, there is plenty to keep families and small groups of friends busy. For those looking for more hardcore games, look towards titles like Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy X, and Silent Hill 2.


It’s clear that after 10 years, the PS2 is not going away anytime soon. Based on sales figures and Sony’s ongoing support for new titles each year, we can expect to see the console around for quite a bit longer. Heck, we could be writing about the PS2’s 20th birthday in 2020.

At the very least, many gamers still have their original PS2s and a plethora of killer games to go with it. Simply look under your TV (if you still have your PS2 hooked up), or look in your closet and find your system and games. You’ll probably find the same thing we found – 10 years worth of incredible games and memories.

On a personal note, I recently moved. For anyone who has made a move in their late 20s, you’ve probably know how much junk you’ve accumulated from college, and all those years after working at random jobs. Downsizing is a must. But when I started to go through things I wanted to get rid of, I made the conscious decision to pack my PS2 and all my games, memory cards, and controllers, and bring them with me. While PSU doesn’t regularly review PS2 games, you should know the writers still love the system, and go back for a session or two of our favorite games. Even after my recent relocation, I managed to unpack my PS2 and games, and set them up, ready if I need a quick Final Fantasy X fix, or if I have friends over who want to play some Tekken 4.

We invite you, the PSU readers, to share with us and your fellow gamers your favorite memories with the PS2. Do you still own the system? What were your favorite games? If you had to recommend a title to someone new (yup, hard to believe, but there are people new to the PS2), what would you suggest?

We look forward to reading your comments, and we look forward to see how much longer the PS2 will continue to sell.
I've found myself still buying PS2 games long after I've gotten my PS3(May '07). My last PS2 games have been Final Fantasy X/X-2 and various SNK fighters(last being Capcom VS SNK 2).

I've found myself still buying PS2 games long after I've gotten my PS3(May '07). My last PS2 games have been Final Fantasy X/X-2 and various SNK fighters(last being Capcom VS SNK 2).


Yeah anyone hew buys a ps2 right now can easily go insane on some of the best games for like 7 and 8 bucks.