War of the Worlds - Tracie Ching (Kickstarter)

Man of Steel

It's not an 'S'
Premium Supporter
Nov 29, 2011
Warwickshire, United Kingdom.


Early next year, Tracie Ching is presenting her very first solo show at Galerie F in Chicago! Entitled Well Read, the theme of the show will feature the talented artist taking on a variety of literary genres. The only problem is, with everything Tracie has in store and her desire to get at least 6 pieces screen printed (totaling about $3,000), she needs a little help from us! In exchange, her Kickstarter has unveiled an exclusive War of the Worlds poster which will be available only to backers, and after taking a look at that beauty, I’m sure you’ll agree that we’ve got to get this done! I’ve loved seeing Tracie’s style evolve over the past few years and marveled at her ability to release stunner after stunner. This show is bound to be an insane treat for us art and book fans, so let’s do what we can to make this happen!

There are multiple tiers and rewards for everyone, with bookmarks at $10, giclees at $25, prints at $40, and the entire set of prints for $250! Don’t miss out!

Visit the Well Read Kickstarter to get things going!

Interested in getting in on this. I have never done one of these before so I am not exactly sure how this works so please correct me if I am wrong.

So by getting in right now I would be able to get the WotW print of choice. Once the next goal is met($4000) a new print is introduced and I would then be able to get in on it also? Like I mentioned above, total noob to these KS deals.

Seriously thinking about picking up the variant, although both look great.
You can choose at the side what you pledge and what you get for it.
For example you can pledge 40 and that includes the regular print.
When on the end date the project is funded the 40 are taken off your credit card and after a while you receive the poster.
The stretchgoal prints are a bonus on top of this, so you only have to pledge once.
As far as i read the bonus things re for all print backers.
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