Windows 10 ...who's getting it?

Will you be getting Windows 10?

  • Possibly, not too sure yet.

  • Yes, Definitely!

  • Without a doubt, I will NOT upgrade!

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
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Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Who here is interested in Windows 10 that will be releasing as a FREE upgrade to Windows 8.1 & Windows 7? This OS looks wickedly sweet. If you see a Window icon down in your system tray 'Click It' and you can sign up to receive it free when it releases and it will automatically download and wait for you to install it at a time that is right for you.

Here's a screenshot of what pops up when clicked on.
I found a video demo of a early release on YT.

Here's a YT video on Windows 10 and Project Spartan, the new Internet browser that will replace Internet Explorer.

Anyways share your input positive or negative on Windows 10.
@AcIDc0r3 it just seems to me that these later windows versions are optimized for tablets/touch screens and I have neither. Also I just don't like the hard sell and how they are almost forcing people to upgrade, it grates on my nerves. If you were not interested you should see how Microsoft has pushed W10, it literally feels like maleware and I don't like that tactic. Also not a fan of how some things are not included and they are trying to sell it to you, like a media player when you can just go out and download VLC.

I think they need to leave me alone if I am happy and if it ain't broke...

Just my $0.02
They are pushing windows ten big because we are six weeks away from the deadline to upgrade for free and they want to be at a billion devices running windows 10.This was forecast a few months back.I wish i could upgrade this PC but for some reason my pc isn't compatible.

i never knew they were selling the media player.I thought that was a basic program?I know they phased out the windows media center, which sucks, but not the regular windows media player?Doesn't sound like something Satya would let fly.
I'm in two minds,I have read different reports,one of my mates said "don't do it" he doesn't like it at all and has went back to 7,I'm on 8.1 and don't care for that so I'm thinking I don't have much to lose changing to 10.
I'm in two minds,I have read different reports,one of my mates said "don't do it" he doesn't like it at all and has went back to 7,I'm on 8.1 and don't care for that so I'm thinking I don't have much to lose changing to 10.

If you are on 8.1, upgrade...I did on my tablet, better functionality and stability :thumbs:
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I upgraded to 10 on my Surface Pro 3 a couple months ago. At first I didn't like it and thought 8.1 was better for tablet use, but after about a week and a couple rounds of updates, I'm very glad I updated! Now I just wish I could upgrade my Vista desktop for free...
What did you try it on?
I tried to NAVIGATE!
It was always a chore to get into the system and the programs.
It was like this was Microsoft's most overt attempt at being Apple and hiding the mechanics.
I have an Apple computer for that. When I am on a PC I don't want that.
It kept taking forever to figure out how to see my drives and my programs.
I tried to NAVIGATE!
It was always a chore to get into the system and the programs.
It was like this was Microsoft's most overt attempt at being Apple and hiding the mechanics.
I have an Apple computer for that. When I am on a PC I don't want that.
It kept taking forever to figure out how to see my drives and my programs.

I mean tablet / phone or Desktop / Laptop? I'm not even going to bother on my Laptop...same reasons as you.
I don't see any similarities between Win10 and a Mac's OS. The drives access is the most basic and simple function about Win10, just click the folder icon on the taskbar and your there. Easy Squeezy Japaneezy. I liked the live tiles that 8 & 8.1 had but did not care for the start menu. Win10 has brought back the old start menu and has added the functionality of the Live Tiles. Yay! There's no turning back for me, Windows 10 all the way. FTW! :thumbs: