[WINNER ANNOUNCED] Cooey's Giveaway number 7! Halloween in the Crystal Skull for Room 1408.....

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Premium Supporter
Jan 5, 2012

Starting on the 5th day of Ninja week until the conclusion!

All registered members, regardless of post count


One winner will receive these three brand empty steelbooks!


1. Thank the thread
2. Do you think Michael Myers would make a good sidekick for Indy? You do? Please tell me why!

CONTEST TERMS and other Info:
Shipping is paid for by the winner. Both steelbooks are empty and may have a slight imperfection or two.
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Great giveaway @cooey ! I love the question. Interested in opinion of others.

In my case i think he will be great sidekick. He will be like Hulk for Thor, but more deadlier especialy for Indy. During the trips of our professor, Michael would be kept in the special box or cage. Once they will arrive, he will release his Kraken who will kill all the mummies, nazzi officers or other surprises that awaits. However Michael dont look like he is immortal (appart from Jason Vorhees) but he maybe cool trap finder. If there are some secret traps in the forrest or tombs he may easily fall into them leaving Indy out of danger. Hope Michael will not die during this process of exploration.
We may expect also that Michael will like Indy and he would always try to kill him as last person standing...some kind of Stockholm Syndrome..so it will give our professor some advantage to be safe till the and than put him into the cage or something.

The main problem is that he may kill some of the Crew that supports Indys trip or some logistic helpers...but anyway as it was said in the Saw franchise...oh yes, there will be blood. Indy rated R maybe great thing for us the viewers!!!
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Hahaha, what a concept!

They'd make a very interesting duo to say the least. Indy could basically weaponize Michael Myers.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Yet another awesome give awag! And he could just be his personal bodyguard protecting him from all the stuff coming at him!
Thanks for the giveaway.

What a novel idea. I would have never thought to pair these two but now that you brought it up I think it could work. Just imagine Indy being able to run around and do his thing and just leave Micheal Myers in his wake cleaning up after all his messes.
Thank you
I think he would make a perfect sidekick to indie because, after seeing the last movie Michael could do better acting skills by his lack of talking than Indie did in that movie. Also he would not hide in a fridge lol
I never really thought about it before but now that I've been prompted....

Indiana Jones has faced off against all kinds of obstacles and evils. He has shown an uncanny ability to rise to the occasion and beat the stiffest odds. But just imagine if he had Michael Myers around instead of Marian and Short Round! The slime of humanity known as Nazi's would not have just faced his keen ideas and crackling whip. They would have received a just due for their unimaginable wickedness by being slaughtered with a butcher knife. A bloody massacre of dirtbags befitting their just reward. And take it another step when he had to fight magic arts from hell. Really...Michael Myers is a disciple of Satan himself. Good luck Voodoo Doctor, you can't take the heart out of an enemy that doesn't have one. His evil laugh, murderous mind and steely eyes would be met with steely steel ready to slice and dice him so he looks like monkey brains (and if you saw Temple you know what that looks like). Really in both instances Indy could just kick back and let his new friend take the brundt as he hangs with the ladies where anything goes!!! At least until they have to find an artifact in Room 1408. I'm sure Indy could deal with this issue as he's shown nothing is beyond his measure, but heck...you have an evil room having to deal with the ultimate evil in Myers, who wouldn't even consider killing himself to get out of the room because...hey...he can't. You get blown away from kingdom come and come back again and again...you are here to stay. Indy's cunning and forthought would likely carry them thru to ultimate victory, but having a sidekick like Myers makes the dirty work all too easy.

Thanks for the giveaway, dude! Some righteous steels there. Would beg to land 1408 especially. It has eluded me for years.

Best of luck to all involved!!!! #BESTWEEKEVER
Michael can do all the dirty work dealing with bad guys sent to stop Indy while Indy deals with the puzzles and stuff I think they could be a good team lol
This is so random I love it
No, I don't think so that Michael would make a good sidekick. :)

Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the post. I believe that Michael Meyers is a soulless evil killing machine and therefore would not have anyones back unless he wanted to hang the back on the wall in his human trophy room.

Hell yeah! Indy would be the brains and Myers would kill everyone!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Great idea and Indy will leave all the dirty work to Mike. One problem is I think Mike won't have enough and just kill everyone including Indy :p

Maybe call the next Indy movie Indiana jones and the blood bath
I think Michael would help Indy embrace the spirit of Halloween!!!! He would make Indy appreciate his sister (if he had one!) to the point of obsession! He could even get Indy to brush up on his Irish (Samhain) !!!!!!!!

I can see their first adventure now, 'Indiana Jones And The Haddonfield Halloween Of Horror'!!

Thanks for the giveaway :) I'd really love that Zimmer 1408 steelie!!
No, I don't think that Michael would make a good sidekick. Thanks for the giveaway.
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