[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week'15 Give-away] Melancholia Blu-ray (Limited Full Slip) (PA Exclusive)

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Apr 12, 2009

Welcome to #bestweekever #ninjaweek 2015!

Prize donated by http://www.plainarchive.com



To enter:

Who is your favorite director, and what are your top 3 films by this director?

Good luck all!

Subscribe to the Steelbook Price Drop thread stickied in the Steelbook forum to stay updated on new deals!

Winner: pi2loc
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Awesome giveaway DB!

Your question is my favourite because its really easy to answer:

Christopher Nolan of course

1. Inception
2. The Dark Knight
3. The Prestige
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Awesome giveaway.
Quentin Tarantino

Favourite movies of Tarantino are : Kill Bill, Inglorious Basterds, Pulp Fiction
Easy. Martin Scorsese is my all time favorite.

1. Casino
2. Taxi Driver
3. Raging Bull

Thanks. :)
James Cameron:
Terminator 2,

Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for the give away.

My favourite director is Quentin Tarantino.

Favourite movies of his are.
1. Pulp Fiction.
2.Inglourious Basterds
3.Django Unchained.
Okay, not an easy one this one..

I'd have to go with David Fincher! His films are soo intense, exhilarating, dark, and make u sit on the edge of your seat!
My top 3 films of him are:

1) Fight Club
2) Se7en
3) Gone Girl

Thanks for the giveaway man!! hope to win:)
Great Giveaway
Quentin Tarantino is also my favourite Director.

My top 3 films by QT would be
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Kill Bill
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Great giveaway yet again!!!!
My fave director is Steven Spielberg

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Schindler's List
3. Duel

Top Director
Top Movies! :)
Very good question. Have to go with Wes Anderson as I love the amount of detail he has in his colour pallets and the beautiful symmetry he creates within the frame.

1. The Grand Budapest Hotel
2. The Life Aquatic
3. Moonrise Kingdom

Thanks for the giveaway.
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My top1 director: Christopher Nolan

1. Inception
2. The Dark Knight
3. Memento

Thanks for the give away!
The best from the best -> Wes Anderson
1) Moonrise Kingdom
2) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
3) The Royal Tenenbaums
David Ayer
- End of Watch
- Fury
- Training Day

Amazing Give-away! Thanks for that!!!
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