WINNER CHOSEN 100 Movies - 1 Winner


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Dec 28, 2012


@jaws finatic

DURATION: Ninja week from March 25 till March 31

ELIGIBILITY: All registered members, regardless of post count




1- Thank this post (by clicking on the green icon in the lower right corner of this post) or give it a thumbs up.

2- Reply below why should you win and tag a friend or more.

3- Have fun!

TERMS: One post/entry per person. You can chat with each other but only your first entry following the above requirements is eligible.

Winner pays shipping. Given the size of the prize, if the winner resides in the Americas, I'll help her or him ship locally, same thing goes if the winner is an EU resident. For anywhere else, we’ll work something out.

Good luck everyone!

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I really would like to expand my collection, it's one of the reasons why I keep my ear so close to this site

I can't really name anyone since I don't really know anyone in that capacity, I really hate the tag friends ones...yeah it's sad of me to say, I know.
Thanks for doing this!
Just got into steelbooks in large part due to Mondo's stuff (looking for their artwork that doesn't sellout in less than a second)
I have no friends to tag :sorry:
Transformers 5, DCU, John Wick, RPO, John Wick, Taken, Iron-Man, Suicide Squad
Followed you on both instagram and twitter

Thanks again!
WOW :wow: Amazing giveaway:notworthy:

Would be a fantastic opportunity to grow my collection :rofl::whistle:

Can see loads of goodies in that picture :LOL::wow::rofl:

Don't really know anyone on here yet but considering he is the only person that I've spoken to ill tag @Noodles :thumbs:
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WOWWW thank you for this amazing gift! i would like to win to expand my collection, movies are y passion :D

I can only name an amazing groupbuy host as i dont have many connection here @carllenc .
I really don't get the opportunity to buy as many Steelbooks as I would like, but hope I can win this to help expand my collection of them.
From that pic that shows John Wick, Transformers, Suicide Squad, Ready Player One, Justice League, Iron Man Infinity War, and 2 others I am not familiar with I really hope those are included with it. Is that Liam Neeson from Walk Among The Tombstones?
Maybe Judge Dredd too from the other pic I saw.
Thank You for doing this great giveaway.
Hey! I would love to win this price ! Unfortunatly I don't have a friend here but I love you all anyway :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Isn't it a good reason to win? I'm so lonely.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Holy :BS:, that's a pretty amazing give-away; thanks! :thanks:

I think I should win because I'm a team player. If I happen to win, I'll take whatever I legitimately need/want from the 100 items (likely needed SteelBooks, etc.) and I'll box up the rest, save it for the next #ninjaweek #bestweekever, and offer "Thwip's 52 (or whatever :spoil:) Movies Give-Away!" :cool:

Have you seen this, members from my Inbox :shipped:; @Stygian @apsmith21 @Wreck @sunnyx @digitalbabe @Apo @Ricker @ash333 @Miffed @Drum18
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Reactions: Stygian and Apo
Why I should win... I honestly don't know. I'm always hoping to expand my collection with some nice editions and steelbooks! So ... why not? :p

@vhalx go get in on this! :)

View attachment 417857



DURATION: Ninja week from March 25 till March 31

ELIGIBILITY: All registered members, regardless of post count


View attachment 417856


1- Thank this post (by clicking on the green icon in the lower right corner of this post) or give it a thumbs up.

2- Reply below why should you win and tag a friend or more.

3- Have fun!

TERMS: One post/entry per person. You can chat with each other but only your first entry following the above requirements is eligible.

Winner pays shipping. Given the size of the prize, if the winner resides in the Americas, I'll help her or him ship locally, same thing goes if the winner is an EU resident. For anywhere else, we’ll work something out.

Good luck everyone!

Click HERE to support the community.

Stay tuned for updates throughout the Ninja Week 2019 and all year round:

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Thanks for an awesome givaway..
I feel I should win as Like most people say I never win anything. LOL

If I did win I would highly appreciate it and add it to my collection as well as take care of it like a museum piece!

I would then share the experience with my Melmacian and Human Friends!