2015-2016 NFL Fantasy Football League


Steelbook, POP & Statue Collector
Premium Supporter
Jan 27, 2012
Ontario, Canada
2014 Teams:
FanOfGaming - Nobody's Burfict
Adrenaline78- Lambeau Leap
Blumaster - Ray Rice Uppercuts
BluRayJunkie - The Moose
Wreck - Inglourious Djangos
Jaws Finatic - Ben Gardner's Head
Steakman - King's Lynn Patriots
Bluprint - Loss Prevention
Bantha11 - Skywalkers
Che - Ninja Assassin
Slimjim24 - I Love Emma Watston

FYI - Payments Received From
jaws finatic
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11th and 12. G we got out work cut out for us lol. This should be interesting. Are we doing money&? Sorry I've been MIA

I may not make the very start of the draft but I'll run it on my phone for the beginning if I have to
Tonight is the night!

Ya, Slimjim we're doing cash entry again this season. I PM'd Wreck a couple of days ago and asked him to send out a league blast with his Paypal email, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I'm sure he'll be at the draft tonight and we can send him our $ than.
Hey, am i still included blumaster? i know i mentioned before that i prob wouldn't make the draft but if you still need me i'm going to catch a couple of hours kip and wake up early :( real early and fresh for my #12 pick.

I didn't even see the order when i posted i would prob miss it, not sour grapes :D.
Glad it wasn't last night with all the issued Yahoo had. Was in a draft last night that got postponed and then was changed to autopick and another was moved to tonight as well.
I was able to draft almost my entire team. My first few picks were while driving, :sorry:, and then I had some paperwork to do while at work, so I did that while picking. Like my team.
Not as happy with my team this year as last year. Could have studied a little more. Made a couple of changes already. Its amazing how 12 guys can deplete the whole NFL.
@Wreck- where do I send my 100 bucks. Its a hundred - right?[emoji41]
i have to laugh at my draft rundown, where it says i drafted a great team unless my hope was winning. lol.

the reason for their disdain? my selection of travis kelce at tight end. i guess they havent heard he's supposed to be the no.1 option at receiver for the cheifs. i guess we'll see how it all pans out, but i definitely like this team better than the stinkburger i had last year.

good luck to everyone this year.
Glad it wasn't last night with all the issued Yahoo had. Was in a draft last night that got postponed and then was changed to autopick and another was moved to tonight as well.

that's what happened to me last night, my 9PM draft I was supposed to have crashed and got moved to 11:15, so I was able to be at this one. Worked out great lol!
"F", huh? Well it would seem I know alot more than the machine would have you to believe. As for my opponent, you better be lucky I started the wrong Jags Rookie WR! Give me the "F" -I'll give y'all the "L's" :yawn:
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