Warner Bros. Wave - April 2014 (Blu-ray SteelBooks) (Mediamarket Exclusive) [Italy]


Premium Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
Since ive been asked to do a Groupbuy I will offer this.


Please just one thing though ... I cant get these shipped out to soon as I need to have my contact get them and send them to me and then I have at the moment some personal problem which is also taking up some of my time.

If you are ok with waiting then you can gladly join the groupbuy.

Since I have to pay my contact also to sourec them they will be somewhat more expensive due to shipping charges and other things involved.

The Groupbuy price is going to be 18 Euros apiece. That covers the following fees/cost - Steelbook cost, contact (gets 1 euro apiece) , Shipping cost from IT to me, HDN fees, and something for the packaging and paypal fees for the transaction to the contact.

Tips are always welcome as this is a lot of work :)

Shipping cost are extra from me to you BUT I offer Master's Packing Plan. Meaning you can have me add or hold any Steelbook you would like to your package until time of shipping. For any "off" titles (where there is not already a GB from me ) I will have to collect the $1 HDN steelbook fee , for each $1 you "have" to pay I add another $1 from my pocket for HDN.

For example if you want - Star Trek Into the Darkness - Blufans (Artwork B) then you can gladly ask me to send it with your steelbooks , the asking price is on this title $75 (that is including the $1 HDN fee already) - Means you pay $75 USD , I pay to HDN $2.00 . This is just used as an example....

Please let me know which titles of the MM Italy you need/want ASAP. I have to give my contact person the information tomorrow morning (Germany time) .

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy the Groupbuy experience.

Take care
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John! Just saw this thread - am I too late to ask for one each of:

Blade Runner

If I'm too late no worries. If you still have any left, you can hold and ship them with the OP title I PM'd you about in your Masterblaster sales thread. Or whatever's easiest for you - really appreciate it.

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