A Ninja In Need

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hi All,

We don't normally do this because it can open the flood gate for all of us who may know of someone in need. And in many cases we recommend local charities in your community. I know there are some Ninjas here who do EXCEPTIONAL things week in and week out in your communities and for that I applaud you.

However today I wanted to make you aware of a Ninja who has came informing me of a back operation he needs. This Ninja not long ago had to sell most all his collection and is on disability in Italy and needing more funds to pay for this operation.

We are very selective in what causes or situations we choose to promote as unfortunately we can't help or promote them all.

But with Ninja Week going on and the Ninja spirit and this coming up at this time it just seems like a great time to shed some more light on Bobino's fundraiser.

Bobino has amassed over 1,400 posts here and has 100% positive feedback of 498 ratings. A Premium member and former donator himself.


I recently just made a donation of $5 to see how little you can donate. I think you can even do less actually. The idea there is if many come together and just donate a small amount it will add up quickly!

Anyone who donates will receive a special forum award for your profile. Doesn't matter how much. To streamline this award please reply to this thread if you donate. Thanks.


@apsmith21 @digitalbabe
Great idea! I really hope he'll get well soon and that we together can reach the goal of the fundraiser! I'll donate when I'm back home on Wednesday since I don't got my CC details with me..

Done :thumbs:
Best of wishes to @bobino66 !

Good luck @bobino66 and best wishes from me as well!

Done. Get well soon, italian ninja :)

Done :thumbs: All the best @bobino66

Wishing you all the best @bobino66!

Done! Hope you get to your total mate

@Wreck ;)

@bobino66 Best wishes Gabriele, hope you recover soon.

Done. Best wishes and good luck @bobino66


Having gone through Anterior Spinal Interbody Fusion myself a few years back I can sympathise.

Best wishes @bobino66


Donation sent.

Get well soon!!!

Wishing you the best @bobino66


@bobino66 I'm so sorry to hear you're living with so much physical pain. I hope you raise the treatment money quickly and start the road to better health. Will be thinking of you.


great cause guys :thumbs:
I hope our donations will help, get well soon ;)

HDN donated.

This is the true value of a community at work. I hope we can make a difference!

I sincerely thank all the ninjas who are helping me. :drool::drool::drool:
Donated. Having had a recent back injury myself (not to your extent mind you), I can fully sympathise @bobino66. Wishing you the speediest recovery possible and hope you receive all the treatment you need :angel::)
Great idea! I really hope he'll get well soon and that we together can reach the goal of the fundraiser! I'll donate when I'm back home on Wednesday since I don't got my CC details with me..

Now at home I could do the donation. I hope you get well soon bud!
Dont know you, but its the ninja spirt @bobino66
Donated too :)

Best wishes :thumbs::thumbs:

Done, get well soon @bobino66

Done, best wishes @bobino66

Donated. Having had a recent back injury myself (not to your extent mind you), I can fully sympathise @bobino66. Wishing you the speediest recovery possible and hope you receive all the treatment you need :angel::)

Now at home I could do the donation. I hope you get well soon bud!

I'd be happy to help. Hope all goes well

Just donated as well to help out a fellow ninja. Wishing you the best of luck and a speedy recovery @bobino66

Donated @bobino66 , get well soon!

Donation made. Happy to help @bobino66; I hope all goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.

Done. Best wishes to you! Hope it heals quickly.

@bobino66 get well soon gabby :thumbs: dilly ding dilly dong :LOL:

Thanks fellow ninjas , you have a big heart

@Smudger1279 this year not dilly ding dilly dong :jacked:

@spass @carllenc @Collector03601 @monsterzebra

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Beyond the obvious, it sucks you had to sell some of your collection. We're all here for the same reason and collecting is one of those little luxuries in life that can mean alot to you - maybe even moreso when you're not feeling so great physically. Best of luck with your fundaraiser @bobino66 hope you get well soon!

Donated. :thumbs::)
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