Anyone else having a hard time watching feature length movies? (quarantine)


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
I miss the theater experience, because when im there, im there. Locked in, committed, nothing to pull me away.

Seems hard to be able to give up a full uninterrupted 2 hours lately at home to watch a movie. A little bit of gaming, or some of a tv show, streaming, or news or just house hold chores and stuff. Hopefully I can crank things loud this weekend at least once....

I'm guessing that I'm likely alone in this .... lol
I sometimes struggle with this as well.
Either turn off the phone or watch foreign movies as they require your full attention is what helps me...
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Yup, but then I have a short attention span anyway. Takes a real good movie to have my complete attention when I'm at home with other distractions around... I also try to watch movies at night once the fam has gone to bed, rather than during the day when they can pull me away at any second. Tarantino is one of a few who can do a 2+ hour film and have me hooked from start to finish. :D
The home watching experience is improved, IMO, if you watch the movie at night, make it pitch black in the room, pull the chair up to the screen, have a side table with all the goodies you need, turn off your phone and settle in. Works for me.
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For me, it depends on time of day and what type of movie
- daytimes/afternoon it's certainly more difficult with distractions, attention span, phone calls, etc.
- evenings is way more easier. Turn out the lights, switch off phone and I can watch a 3 hr movie or 2 movies back to back quite easily.
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Have been used to watching a movie on a Friday night with the family for quite a few years, so really can't say that it has affected us.

The only difference now is that we tend to watch one most nights and are slowly running out of what to watch, especially with the missus in the hospital the kids have been going to bed pretty late so sometimes doing 2 a night :wow: :spoil:
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prefer to watch movies at home. no idiots, you can pause it and repeat a scene whenever you want.
I'm with you there. While I do love the theater experience, the last first run movie I saw included a schmuckazoid sitting back a couple rows, and the dude just kept yacking. Finally someone in the theater yelled, quite aggressively mind you "SHUT THE F&$K UP". and it was good from there. Just the annoyance.

In the town I live in we have a small town theater that shows films as well, and has alot of reissues, like last year they had Jaws. This year they had House of Dark Shadows. Given its the locals, you can always count on the common courtesy of movie night quiet. Plus it's a tiny venue. I beg for that scene, man.
The home watching experience is improved, IMO, if you watch the movie at night, make it pitch black in the room, pull the chair up to the screen, have a side table with all the goodies you need, turn off your phone and settle in. Works for me.
prefer to watch movies at home. no idiots, you can pause it and repeat a scene whenever you want.

Same here. I go to cinema maybe 2x in year, always pumped up before the screening only to be disappointed again with all those morons around who came to eat and drink there instead watch a movie. Im always much more distracted by the people around than at home screening. At home, you make yourself comfortable as @jaws finatic said "make it pitch black in the room, pull the chair up to the screen, have a side table with all the goodies you need, turn off your phone and settle in"....wouldn´t described it better :thumbs: :coffee::cigar:

OK, sometimes I can be distracted by the phone, but only If the movie is average/bad (which happens more often lately with new films being a crap :whistle:), but luckily there are still a great ones too. From the top of the head - The Platform (El Hoyo) for example, love these movies where you don´t know what to expect in next scene :drool::coffee:
I miss the theater experience, because when im there, im there. Locked in, committed, nothing to pull me away.

Seems hard to be able to give up a full uninterrupted 2 hours lately at home to watch a movie. A little bit of gaming, or some of a tv show, streaming, or news or just house hold chores and stuff. Hopefully I can crank things loud this weekend at least once....

I'm guessing that I'm likely alone in this .... lol
I’m with you on this, 100%.
I’ve started more than one film since I’ve been in lockdown (Shutter Island, The French Connection and IP Man to name three) but finding ‘something’ is stopping me being fully immersed.

Instead, I’ve been binging on comedy shows to lift my spirits - so far I’ve watched all four series of The IT Crowd, the first two series of Black Books, the first series of Black Adder, a bit of Allo Allo, the first six episodes of Steptoe and Son, the first series of Spaced, a bit of Only Fools and Horses, and re-watched the first four series of Peep Show.

And I’m now starting to get comedy fatigue, despite the timeless brilliance of all these shows! Have PLENTY more to watch, but feel like I’ve lost almost all my appetite for these shows now...
I miss the theater experience, because when im there, im there. Locked in, committed, nothing to pull me away.

Seems hard to be able to give up a full uninterrupted 2 hours lately at home to watch a movie. A little bit of gaming, or some of a tv show, streaming, or news or just house hold chores and stuff. Hopefully I can crank things loud this weekend at least once....

I'm guessing that I'm likely alone in this .... lol
I also think I’m more fully immersed at the cinema watching a film - I always keep my phone away as I know how irritating I can be to see someone check their phone mid way through a movie at the cinema (i’ve told several people to put their phones away in the past as it’s a huge bug bear)
At home I find my mind can wonder a bit more. If I’ve got the iPad to hand I might do a bit of film research whilst I’m watching it, or might go off on a tangent and have a light browsing session whilst simultaneously trying to watch the film and 8 times out of 10 I let the net browsing get the better of me. It’s my own fault really, but find now, more than ever, my mind is wondering about the place more.
If the missus gets her phone out, I tend to too. We try to leave the phones upstairs or something, cos I always the urge to iMDb someone cos I have the "what movie do I know that guy/girl from?" type question.

Only type of movies I find easy to watch without any distraction are foreign ones for which I need to read the subs! But yeah, massively missing the cinema even if my home setup is pretty decent.
I'm managing a film a night and two each night at the weekend. I've managed to watch more films in a month than I have in 2 years. Doing some serious catching up across all formats.
cos I always the urge to iMDb someone cos I have the "what movie do I know that guy/girl from?" type question.

:spoil: Yeah I'm the same, I'm forever checking the exact thing and it bugs the **** out of me until I do :rofl::whistle:
I'm managing a film a night and two each night at the weekend. I've managed to watch more films in a month than I have in 2 years. Doing some serious catching up across all formats.

Very much the same at the moment, I tend to have all sorts on during the day on the Ipad and then a couple most nights with the kids :thumbs: Disney+ has definitely been worth every penny I can tell you that:spoil::rofl:
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