Artwork at Blockbuster Stores


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
They have some nice framed poster artwork at their stores.

Like it looks like posters you have seen but then its all been like sprayed on. Pretty cool
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Well these have some type of spray laquer on them so they appear as artwork almost. Really cool.

They're really nice. I've seen some of Wreck's collection in person. They don't look like a poster at all. They really do appear as artwork. It's kind of a raised paint/lacquer like Wreck is talking about. I need to pick some up these up.
Yeah they're awesome ... wish they'd run some sales. Tho I'm pretty much done buying these as my walls are full :p
I got one of these, an Avatar one. I wouldnt mind the Joker Dark Knight poster though.


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yeah I seen some half off but nothing that sparked my fancy, had to go online to get mine. I did however buy 50 blu-rays for 50 bucks :p for the 99 cent blu-ray deals they had. Bought 10 more for a friend too.
Does anyone know where this artwork can still be found? I got one of the Iron Man posters (where is just has half of the mask) and am trying to find another for my best friend. I managed to find one on Amazon being sold by Art Horizons (who apparently are the company that was previously known as Framed Picture Enterprises). The new one was not the same though. Instead of feeling overall textured, it felt like it had sharper more spaced out bumps or whatever you would call them. The color wasn't anywhere near as vivid either. I tried calling all the local blockbuster stores and got absolutely no help. Any ideas?
Man .... I know they have another site. used to be it.

The other sites, of the actual manufacturer of these is this.

both are gone now tho ..... was one too.

Maybe the site is down because the contract ran out from Blockbuster since they were acquired by Dish. Might be they need to overhaul the entire site before they can sell them legally again.

Also, they probably had some type of deal with blockbuster where they could sell certain movies and BB was paying the licensing/royalties whatever to the studios. So also chance it may never come back. I do know I emailed them back when I was posting in this thread about getting some custom ones made and they said they couldnt do it. Probably because they have to do only what Blockbuster could get permission to from studios.
The other sites, of the actual manufacturer of these is this.

From what I've found, FPE was bought out or was renamed and is now Art Horizons. Art Horizons has an Amazon page, which is where I purchased the recent one from before I even realized it was the same company. Despite it being the same company (at least to some extent anyway) the colors are not as vivid and the texturing is a little odd not to mention it seems thinner and maybe a little more delicate. I've found a couple of other sites that have ones for sale but without knowing the acrylic coating that was used on the original or having anyway of explaining the distinction between the two well enough online to be able to be sure that the seller has the correct one, I'm not sure how to be positive that the seller is selling the same thing. Any ideas?