Batman: Arkham City - Prequel to feature Justice League!

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
Last night’s Spike TV VGA’s played host to the official unveiling of super hero sequel Batman: Arkham City, the debut trailer of which can be seen below for your consumption courtesy of the chaps at GameTrailers.

Plot info:
Quincy Sharp is no longer running for mayor.
Arkham Asylum and Black Gate Prison are unfit to hold inmates.
Quincy Sharp buys off part of the slums and walls it off, creating Arkham City.
Hugo Strange is now in charge of Arkham City.
Two-Face plans to execute Catwoman to gain respect of inmates.
The overdose of venom may not be what's wrong with the Joker.

Gameplay info:
You are now able to counter two attacks at once.
More puzzles.
All gadgets included in the first game are available from the start.
Side missions now feature in the game.
Gangs roam Arkham City. These are recorded in Batman's criminal database.
You find people who work for the Riddler to find Riddler challenges.
Batman has smoke bombs.



















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Just managed to get Perfect Freeflow 2.0 trophy! Yesss!!! That was a tough one for me as I'm not so good at combat challenges.

This is such a fun game! Thank you Rocksteady!
You won't be disappointed.....I'm totally addicted to it.......Wish you a speedy recovery so you can play it asap!

Thanks, the fiance made me play it with her watching last game. She loved the story, thinking i may have her pick it up today and her watch me play all drugged up on hydrocodine!! Lol.
Batman: Arkham City Pre-Order DLC Coming to PSN Next Month

If you're a Batman: Arkham City completist and are still pining after the rest of the pre-order DLC to add to your collection, then you'll be happy to see that the slow drip feed of extra content is gradually coming, with the next batch of Riddler's Revenge Challenge Rooms slated for December.

"Brand new DLC coming December 20th with all new Batcave. Joker's Carnival and the Iceberg Lounge also available to download then!" tweeted Arkham City News.

So, that's three new Challenge Rooms to check out next month, although there are no further details on the DLC and prices have yet to be confirmed. Next up, can we have all of those pre-order Batman skins please?!
While Batman is my favorite super hero, I am no fanboy. That being said, Batman:AA and Batman:AC are my top two games for 360 (or ps3 if you are on that). I don't know which I like better, they both have their own personality. AA had that cramped, almost survival horror feel, along with the metroid-esque level set the trippy scarcrow parts. Arkham city expands on that and is somewhere inbetween AC and a sandbox game. Either way, everyone should own both...awesome games.
Definitely! I'm just starting to play 'new game +' to get my last trophy!!!

Where are you now?

I finished it a few weeks ago, I just need to go back and do all the riddler puzzles. I had little over 200 when I finished the game.

@ Soundwave GI

They are both good in their own way. I liked the open wide area of AC simply because it gave a bigger room to play around with Batman and the gadgets :scat: