Multi Battlefield 3 - New "Matches" feature launched

Jan 28, 2009
Manteca, CA
Battlefield 3
is the true successor to Battlefield 2. Beyond our signature multiplayer, we have also included a full single-player campaign and a co-op campaign – all straight out of the box. As for fan favorite features, how does the return of jets, prone, and 64-player multiplayer (on PC) sound? All this built with our powerful new game engine Frostbite 2, which you'll hear and see a lot of in the months leading up to launch.
Fault Line Episode III
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Battlefield 3 will release this Fall.



The new GameInformer issue is out and folks have already provided scans of the article, which include plenty of great-looking screenshots. Furthermore, these details were obtained from the article:

Aiming for Fall 2011 release

4 classes

Concept for BF3 has been in the works for years, waiting on proper tech to seamlessly come together

Frostbite 2.0 is the culmination of this tech, entirely re-written

Lighting sounds neat, one “probe” contains more lighting information than an entire BFBC2 level.

Level destruction is going to be “believable” but basically everything is destructible.

Character animations powered by ANT, what EA Sports uses.

AI characters and multiplayer characters have different animation sets

No more “gliding” animations that look off, animation realism is a focus

Captured their own war audios (bullets, tanks, helicopters, etc) at different distances to ensure realism

Better audio cues for certain actions, more easily able to listen for threats

Plan on better, more immediate post release content

More unlocks than Bad Company 2

Dice trying to find a good balance between customization of your character and not having “pink rabbit hat(s)”

Will have co-op

There will be a kill-cam but it can be turned off

BF3′s team is almost twice as big as the team for BFBC2

They want the pacing of the single player mode to be balanced, with highs and lows. Makes the comparison to a song vs a guitar solo.

Part of the single player mode takes place in Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan).

Will be M rated

PC version is lead version

No mod tools at release.
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Reactions: Wreck
Now that I've unlocked the 12x ballistic scope for the SV98, I'm loving the Recon class! :scat: I played two matches with and did so much better. And when I was moving in close quarters, using my handgun, I killed a lot of guys surprisingly!
Now that I've unlocked the 12x ballistic scope for the SV98, I'm loving the Recon class! :scat: I played two matches with and did so much better. And when I was moving in close quarters, using my handgun, I killed a lot of guys surprisingly!

I found that a good way to start out sniper and rank up that class to get the unlocks etc. Is to not use a sniper rifle. Although when you customize a the class from main menu you cant choose much else. When you are about to spawn you can use L1/R1 to toggle to the gun area then press O to change the sniper rifle. You will have shotguns and possibly like me even automatics. I have the UMP-45. I use the UMP-45 as sniper class and have ranked up the class rather quickly since doing that.

So long as you are that class, you get points when capturing flags or defending/blowing up mcoms etc. for that class.
I took my $20 credit from amazon an just got the collectors edition guide for $2 :scat:

Comes with a code for an exclusive stat checking thing to see how close you are on upcoming unlocks a ribbons and stuff. Im describing it wrong, but looking at the screenshot it looks pretty cool.
It doesnt automatically apply to your account fellas ... it came in an email thsi time as a gift card code. Also in that email is the code for psn for 10 exclusive dog tags. I got a cool Jurassic Park look-alike one with t-rex heh.

If you dont have that email, just email amz and they'll send it to you... they did me.

I dont really buy strat guides anymore, but I saw this one in store at BB and it was awesome looking. Hard back with holofoil, contains like the first chapter of the BF novel and Dice dev interviews plus the code for that stat thing. I have yet to use it, but I'll report if the stat thing is any better or adds to the BF experience compared to say battlelog or bf3stats

very nice guide tho, will go good with my MGS4 guide
It doesnt automatically apply to your account fellas ... it came in an email thsi time as a gift card code. Also in that email is the code for psn for 10 exclusive dog tags. I got a cool Jurassic Park look-alike one with t-rex heh.

If you dont have that email, just email amz and they'll send it to you... they did me.

I dont really buy strat guides anymore, but I saw this one in store at BB and it was awesome looking. Hard back with holofoil, contains like the first chapter of the BF novel and Dice dev interviews plus the code for that stat thing. I have yet to use it, but I'll report if the stat thing is any better or adds to the BF experience compared to say battlelog or bf3stats

very nice guide tho, will go good with my MGS4 guide

Do you have a picture of what it looks like?

I really liked the look of the Uncharted 3 (piggyback) guide so I picked that up and then just ordered the art book for Sucker Punch.
Thats cool, yeah I want to see that UC3 in person. Those piggyback guides are really nice. I like it when they include so much more in it then just a basic walkthrough of SP ... this way you get your money's worth and can look back at it in future and relish on the great game it was haha. Its also crazy how much some of these guides increase in value. I had originally owned 3 of those MGS4 ones and sold the other 2 at $75 each. that bf3 guide. Couldnt find any real pics.


Check out that awesome ps3 stand ... gamestop is carrying, $99 tho .. pretty salty for a just a stand tho ... tho I think it comes with something else, cant remember.

---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------


How to Enter: To enter into the sweepstakes, participants must connect to a Battlefield 3 online multiplayer match during the Promotion Period on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or PC platform.Participants will be automatically entered each the first time they connect each day of the Promotion Period.

Promotion Period: The Promotion begins at 00:00:01 Greenwich Mean Time (“GMT”) on November 11, 2011 and ends at 23:59:59 GMT on November 13, 2011

Grand Prize: One (1) winner will receive a round trip to Stockholm, Sweden to visit the DICE production studio for winner and three guests/squadmates. Prize trip includes roundtrip, economy/coach class airfare for 4 people (Winner and 3 Guests) from the major commercial airport nearest the Winner’s residence (Winner and Guests must travel together on same itinerary); hotel accommodations for 4 days / 3 nights (two (2) double occupancy room) at a hotel to be determined by Sponsor; USD $1000 spending money per person.
The approximate retail value (“ARV”) of the Prize is USD $15000 (€10910). Actual value of Prize Trip may vary depending on Winner’s residence and seasonal rates.

2nd Prize: One (1) winner will receive a check for USD $5000 (€3640) or equivalent currency.

3rd Prize: One (1) winner will receive a gaming system of their choice – Xbox 360 250GB, PlayStation 3 250GB, or Alienware Aurora PC with a collection of Battlefield videogames. ARV is $1650 (€1200).
Finished the actual gameplay and it was pretty good with some minor flaws in gameplay. I felt it was short though? Anyone else feel the same? Maybe it felt short after plating Arkham City, lol. As a COD online gamer I must say I really like the online play so far but I haven't played a whole lot online yet either. The maps are really big in comparison.

My biggest problem is that Im having a hard time enjoying the online play as I just keep dying despite a good amount of practise. To put it simply I suck, lol, and I can't explain why. The controls are a little different from COD, but, still I have years of Shooter game experience. Ill give it at least 5-6 more hours of honest online gaming before I quite though!
Playing in a good squad that communicates and spots enemies really helps. And when your shooting, its best to fire in bursts unless the guy is literally right in front of you.
Finished the actual gameplay and it was pretty good with some minor flaws in gameplay. I felt it was short though? Anyone else feel the same? Maybe it felt short after plating Arkham City, lol. As a COD online gamer I must say I really like the online play so far but I haven't played a whole lot online yet either. The maps are really big in comparison.

My biggest problem is that Im having a hard time enjoying the online play as I just keep dying despite a good amount of practise. To put it simply I suck, lol, and I can't explain why. The controls are a little different from COD, but, still I have years of Shooter game experience. Ill give it at least 5-6 more hours of honest online gaming before I quite though!

The transition to BF from COD was a little tough for me too.

The quality squad is a biggie... I almost always play better when my friends are in the squad, as opposed to playing with randoms who don't talk.

Some little hints I've discovered are:

* Hip fire seems to work way better for me then ADS when the enemy is fairly close. It's a lot more accurate, at slightly longer ranges, then I would assume.

* Conquest mode gets you the most points, from what I've seen. Play as an Engineer, and lay down land-mines near the objectives and watch your point totals climb. It's fun to be at a random place on your map and all of a sudden, a bunch of point modifiers pop up on screen.

* In Conquest... grab those objectives. Lots and lots of points. If the opposing team is that perfect mix of pretty good (instead of 'too good')... then they'll re-capture points, and you'll be able to go re-re-capture it again yourself... which leads to many points and 'attacker' ribbons, etc.

* Avoid flying... unless you really want to learn to be a crackerjack pilot, or you have a really good one on the squad and you can be the gunner. I just never get many points when flying myself. And if you're not great at it, you'll just be hurting your team by flying around doing nothing, instead of attacking/defending objectives.

* I always do best when I'm clear-headed enough to really think about every move. Try to out-think your opponents, like chess. Don't take the obvious routes. When I'm lazy minded (which is often, lol) I don't do nearly as well as when I'm actually planning my moves a few steps ahead.

* I always seem to get burnt when facing off with someone at long range. Seems like I hit them 10x and they hit me maybe 4x and I'm dead. I hate that. So I try to only attack when I'm close enough to really lay it on 'em.

* The previous suggestion of firing in short bursts is dead-on. This game has ton of recoil, so you gotta fire slowly.
Playing in a good squad that communicates and spots enemies really helps. And when your shooting, its best to fire in bursts unless the guy is literally right in front of you.

cant agree more. I was pitted against Thunda yesterday for about 4 games ... I kept it that way cause i wanted his tags lol ... which I didnt get.

But I swear man, I had THE WORST TEAM EVER in the history of BF ... it was conquest and every game we coudlnt hold A B or C down ... the only way we had flags was me going back and forth capturing but as soon as I left and got another they had the last one back.

I should have taken pics .... but at the end of the game most scoreboard had me in first place for my team and this is my team mates.


:wtf:??? :angry: That many n00bs on same team! jeebuz!
BTW --- they should only count losses if you played the whole game, or give you a .5 loss if you joined in and get smoked.

How annoying is it when you login for a quick game or two and join a match where the team you're put on is down by 150 with only a dozen or two 'tickets' to go? I swear, 2/3 of my losses are from joining an already-decided game with moments to spare.
:hilarious: @ Wreck! That's too funny! I'd be pissed and cussing up a storm if I was on your team :p

@ black, yeah. They should change that. I know a quit doesn't count against you if you do it early so why a loss when it's almost over

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk
Playing in a good squad that communicates and spots enemies really helps. And when your shooting, its best to fire in bursts unless the guy is literally right in front of you.

The transition to BF from COD was a little tough for me too.

The quality squad is a biggie... I almost always play better when my friends are in the squad, as opposed to playing with randoms who don't talk.

Some little hints I've discovered are:

* Hip fire seems to work way better for me then ADS when the enemy is fairly close. It's a lot more accurate, at slightly longer ranges, then I would assume.

* Conquest mode gets you the most points, from what I've seen. Play as an Engineer, and lay down land-mines near the objectives and watch your point totals climb. It's fun to be at a random place on your map and all of a sudden, a bunch of point modifiers pop up on screen.

* In Conquest... grab those objectives. Lots and lots of points. If the opposing team is that perfect mix of pretty good (instead of 'too good')... then they'll re-capture points, and you'll be able to go re-re-capture it again yourself... which leads to many points and 'attacker' ribbons, etc.

* Avoid flying... unless you really want to learn to be a crackerjack pilot, or you have a really good one on the squad and you can be the gunner. I just never get many points when flying myself. And if you're not great at it, you'll just be hurting your team by flying around doing nothing, instead of attacking/defending objectives.

* I always do best when I'm clear-headed enough to really think about every move. Try to out-think your opponents, like chess. Don't take the obvious routes. When I'm lazy minded (which is often, lol) I don't do nearly as well as when I'm actually planning my moves a few steps ahead.

* I always seem to get burnt when facing off with someone at long range. Seems like I hit them 10x and they hit me maybe 4x and I'm dead. I hate that. So I try to only attack when I'm close enough to really lay it on 'em.

* The previous suggestion of firing in short bursts is dead-on. This game has ton of recoil, so you gotta fire slowly.

Thanks for the tips. A lot! I really like BF3 and its a nice change to the "Always familiar" COD. I really wanna get better at BF3 online so I can enjoy it bit more, lol.
Haha. That was hilarious. I don't know how you lasted that long on that team. You're right, your team was straight up AWFUL. I can't stand playing on teams like that.

cant agree more. I was pitted against Thunda yesterday for about 4 games ... I kept it that way cause i wanted his tags lol ... which I didnt get.

But I swear man, I had THE WORST TEAM EVER in the history of BF ... it was conquest and every game we coudlnt hold A B or C down ... the only way we had flags was me going back and forth capturing but as soon as I left and got another they had the last one back.

I should have taken pics .... but at the end of the game most scoreboard had me in first place for my team and this is my team mates.


:wtf:??? :angry: That many n00bs on same team! jeebuz!