[CLOSED] GB #2 - Paramount Play.com Exclusives - Iron Man, etc

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

Hello all,

Since I will be coordinating this group buy going forward, I thought it best to create a new group buy thread so there is no confusion about these Paramount Play.com releases.

Titles included in this group buy are:

1) Iron Man
2) Iron Man 2
3) Shooter
4) Saving Private Ryan

These items are currently RESERVED for us. Retail is £10.99.


1) No payment due until invoiced.
2) Quantity per member is capped at 2 copies per item
3) You cannot be on the list for this group buy and other group buys in this forum
4) You cannot source for friends and relatives that do not frequent this board, over the cap.
5) All original requesting members have been transferred from masterblaster's original group buy here.


Items are reserved from play.com at retail cost. Each buyer is responsible for any group buy fees, paypal fees as well as the HDN per item fee of $1 per copy. This will be included in your total billed.

Shipping costs may be billed separately depending on your country. USA members may be responsible for paying shipping costs (and any import fees) from sending via United Parcel Service and then domestic shipping from my location.

If you are not on this list, keep a look out on the forums for your chance to buy a single copy of either steelbook.

There is currently a list for a limited number of NINJAS in the NINJA board. You must be a member to have access to this list in the PREMIUM section.

Current group buy reserved list, as follows.

View attachment 16161

Previous (legacy) List
View attachment 16123

View attachment 16030



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Folks, there are no new updates on this group buy at this time.

When Dave finishes with his first group buy, we'll be moving on to this one, asking for payment then, and all of that good stuff.

Please keep checking this thread for updates, and please stop pm'ing me about when you'll get an invoice.

I will send updates as I know them. Thank you for your continued patience.
I've been online very little in the past month and it took me a while to catch up with everything that's been going on, just want to say a BIG, BIG THANKS to everyone helping out and making this possible!
I have sent Invoices out to all but a couple on the USA list (technical reasons, don't panic if you haven't got one). Rest of the World takes a bit longer as I have to add postage in, so they will go out in the morning. They will all include Paypal fees so you don't have to go messing about and calculating them as I've done it already. :D

Please re-read the OP first if you have any questions, then read apsmith's post below, then send out the PM's. :hilarious:
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REMEMBER FOLKS, you'll be receiving an invoice from SURFURY for this group buy for the items.

USA peeps ONLY, from surf's invoice - you are paying for the ITEMS ONLY. There will be a SECOND invoice from ME that will be sent up the steelbooks arrival @ my house in the USA. This second invoice will include shipping costs to the USA, shipping costs for domestic, customs fees, etc.

Please do not delay - if you get an invoice, please pay ASAP.

Note: Some members in Europe may be delayed in receiving an invoice.

Thank you.
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recieved invoice...followed exact instructions..Made payment and small tip. then sent email. Please let me know if there was anything that was done wrong!!!!!

Thanks guys
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USA folks - these have been shipped to me via UPS. If you didn't follow the other thread, there will be customs fees attached to these packages.

I will break down the total cost per user for those that are quick. So meaning, anyone with 4 items or 2 items, I have a plan already in place how to send them.

I'll be sending invoices over the weekend (likely tomorrow) for the shipping costs, so if you can be prompt in your payment of those, that would be appreciated.

Finally, there are a few on the list I got from surf this morning that received invoices and have not paid. I will send you a follow up PM later today. I'm not messing around here - if you don't pay surf ASAP for those copies you requested, I will find someone else for them.

Hate to sound harsh about this, but if you requested the item, it is your responsibility to continue to check the group buy threads and this forum for payment instructions.

PM with questions.

European, Canada, and other members - there does appear that there will be a delay on your invoices from Dave, so please keep checking back on this thread for further updates.

More info to come.

Thank you.
Attention USA members. I just got off the phone with UPS and verified the customs fees that will be assessed. Luckily they are the same as last time.

Here is the breakdown as follows. The items will be in hand on Tuesday. I'd like to ship a lot of you out on Wednesday, please pay ASAP for your shipping costs.

Shipping from UK to USA via UPS: $2.11 PER ITEM. (That's $4.22 if you ordered 2!)

UPS Customs fees: $2.30 per PERSON.

USA Mailing costs: 1 item for $3.50, in a box first class with tracking
2 items in a USPS Priority Mail bubble mailer, each steel boxed in original play.com packaging $5.10
3-4 items in a USPS Priority Mail Med Flat Rate box, each boxed in original play.com packaging $10.85

Total amount above will include an additional fee for paypal.

No tips necessary, if you'd like to tip, I can accept an amazon.com gift card - but do not send tips as gift to my paypal account.

Make sure to put your FORUM handle in the notes so I know who has paid!!

Anyone above 4 items will get their own individual invoice.

Thank you.
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