[CLOSED]Groupbuy - HMV UK Exclusive THOR Steelbook

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Premium Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
Hello Members,

im willing to do a Groupbuy for this Steelbook, if you state you would like one then you are agreeing to paying all the below mentioned amounts :

1. 18,00 GBP (that is the UK currency)
2. 2,50 GBP (HMV shipping cost from UK to me)
3. 1% Credit Card fees (this will be charged due to HMV charging my Credit Card in GBP instead of the EUR.
4. 6,50 EURO shipping from me to you (Worldwide with Tracking)

The exact amount that is to be paid depends on the Credit Cards exchange rate . All moneys are to be paid in my currency EUR.

Todays exchange rate according to xe.com is 18 GBP = 20,57 Euros. This is only to be used as an example. Prices may vary due to the exchange rate...

Payments are to be made as PPG - if not YOU will cover ALL fees involved.

If for any reason HMV does not deliver (due to me ordering to many) then i will of course not be liable.

If you agree with the above and are still interested in participating the Groupbuy you may gladly post here in this Thread.

Take care

EDIT - due to lack of interest this has been canceled.
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Since there is no interest with this GB im closing it on Monday the 15.Aug.2011. You have until that time to state you want one if you do want one.

Take care
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