[CLOSED] Transformers 3, and other Paramount titles - Amazon.de Group Buy

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
ALL PURCHASES ARE DONE THROUGH referral links to support this site.

What's the purpose of this group buy? To get a few copies of a number of different releases all in 1 shipment from Amazon Germany. Is it a steelbook? Then I will order for it you. ;)

Transformers 3? Sure. Captain America? YES. Disney Wave? WHY NOT!

Quotes for titles will be done on DEMAND. REMEMBER. All titles MIGHT BE HELD until the last title is available. DELIVERY could be a ways off.

Before paypal fees & shipping charges

Transformers $21.25
Transformers 2 $21.25
Star Trek $21.25
Saving Private Ryan $21.25

Transformers 3 $36.13


How I determine cost -> exact steelbook cost + any fees (credit card currency fees, etc). I try to get as CLOSE to EXACT cost as possible - as these are being sourced as a FAVOR to us on this forum.

Normal rules apply - all members of the group buy assume a similar risk - if a steelbook comes in with a small ding, there's nothing I can do about that. However, I will use a random number generator to "pick" who gets any damaged copy.

There should be NOTHING that is majorly damaged - things ALWAYS arrive in great shape from amazon.de...especially via express mail.

If you have not purchased from me before, once the order is IN payment is required up front.. I cannot be stuck with unclaimed copies.

STEELBOOK mail costs:
Mailing 1st Class USPS in a box - likely around $3.50 for one copy. Can do $5 Priority Mail (on the east coast) for two. EXACT shipping will be charged and I don't ship media mail for steelbooks. 1st class for 1 - otherwise it's priority mail.
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Requested titles, reserve list.

1) me
2) kaliraver (SHIPPED)
3) kaliraver (SHIPPED)

Transformers 2
1) me
2) kaliraver (SHIPPED)
3) kaliraver (SHIPPED)

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon
1) me
2) horhay (SHIPPED)
3) kaliraver (SHIPPED)
4) Harpua626 (PAID 39.63) (SHIPPED)
5) elnuchote (PAID 39.63) (SHIPPED)


Star Trek
1) BodyHauler (SHIPPED)

Harry Potter 7.2
1) me
2) watchtower41
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Do you think Cap is going to have a sleeve like inception? I want the steelbook unless it has German text all over.
Do you think Cap is going to have a sleeve like inception? I want the steelbook unless it has German text all over.

Well, Inception is Warner and Cap is Paramount. So its likely that Cap has a sticker, but no slip.

What will the cost of Capt America and Transformers be??

i'll quote them tomorrow. I'd like to base it on getting 25 / 30 total copies.
Ok, I'm confused with all the versions out there of all 3 of these. I'd like the best SB editions of each. I like the Futures Shop one for TF2...is that considered FYE?...I saw one on ebay but wasn't sure. Also, is there a black steelbook of TF1 with a decepticon logo? I've seen the "protect" autobot one. I just want to get the best ones...including this if it's the best. Thanks in advance...I already searched for TF on here and there is just too much and I'm gonna be lazy and just ask to pros in here.
Tf2 from Canada is the best one, yes. TF1 is your choice, the black one has no inside artwork and is the only TF1 out until this new re-release (with diff art) coming out. So just choose which you think is best. Black may end up being rare faster (tho it never really was) but this new one might be better esp if it includes inside artwork.

As for TF3, the jury is still out ... who knows how many Countries will get it and if one just happens to look smoking ya know. If I was you, I would wait before declaring which TF3 you want based on your buying decisions. This German TF3 does look good tho, but who knows what else will come.
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Andy, I'll take one copy of the Hangover 2 for sure. I would get two Transformers 3, but with the supposed release of a 3D MM SteelBook I'll wait and see.
Before paypal fees & shipping charges as of 9/20 exchange.

Transformers 18.88
Transformers 2 18.88
Star Trek 18.88
Saving Private Ryan 18.88

Hangover 2 39.42
Transformers 3 38.18
Captain America 3D 48.81
So if a preorder is put in for titles released on different dates, Amazon.de will hold the shipment until the final title release date? Or will you be putting in multiple orders? (sorry if this was asked before, but I can be dense sometimes :) )
So if a preorder is put in for titles released on different dates, Amazon.de will hold the shipment until the final title release date? Or will you be putting in multiple orders? (sorry if this was asked before, but I can be dense sometimes :) )

No worries. Sometimes amazon will split the order, sometimes they don't. TF3 is not out until Nov., so I might not see any until TF3.

Could you add me to Transformers 1 and 3? Is it possible to have the black steelbook ordered though?

I can add you, but a deposit is required. The black TF1 is no longer in stock, you'd be getting the new version.

PM me for more info.
Any chance to get in on one copy of Transformers 3 still?

I'll put in a second order of 5. I have two other people that expressed interest, but no definite yes answers yet.

If I don't have enough, I will have to cancel though. :(

I'll wait until it's about a week before the ship date to cancel if I have to.
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