[CLOSED] Transformers 3, and other Paramount titles - Amazon.de Group Buy

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
ALL PURCHASES ARE DONE THROUGH referral links to support this site.

What's the purpose of this group buy? To get a few copies of a number of different releases all in 1 shipment from Amazon Germany. Is it a steelbook? Then I will order for it you. ;)

Transformers 3? Sure. Captain America? YES. Disney Wave? WHY NOT!

Quotes for titles will be done on DEMAND. REMEMBER. All titles MIGHT BE HELD until the last title is available. DELIVERY could be a ways off.

Before paypal fees & shipping charges

Transformers $21.25
Transformers 2 $21.25
Star Trek $21.25
Saving Private Ryan $21.25

Transformers 3 $36.13


How I determine cost -> exact steelbook cost + any fees (credit card currency fees, etc). I try to get as CLOSE to EXACT cost as possible - as these are being sourced as a FAVOR to us on this forum.

Normal rules apply - all members of the group buy assume a similar risk - if a steelbook comes in with a small ding, there's nothing I can do about that. However, I will use a random number generator to "pick" who gets any damaged copy.

There should be NOTHING that is majorly damaged - things ALWAYS arrive in great shape from amazon.de...especially via express mail.

If you have not purchased from me before, once the order is IN payment is required up front.. I cannot be stuck with unclaimed copies.

STEELBOOK mail costs:
Mailing 1st Class USPS in a box - likely around $3.50 for one copy. Can do $5 Priority Mail (on the east coast) for two. EXACT shipping will be charged and I don't ship media mail for steelbooks. 1st class for 1 - otherwise it's priority mail.
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I'll put in a second order of 5. I have two other people that expressed interest, but no definite yes answers yet.

If I don't have enough, I will have to cancel though. :(

I'll wait until it's about a week before the ship date to cancel if I have to.

Sounds good, thanks.
Transformers 3 and Transformers shipped yesterday.

Transformers 2 is in hand.

I'll be updating quotes for those titles and sending invoices tomorrow.
Transformers 3 & Transformers will be in hand, hopefully later today.

I'll send all steelbooks out, hopefully tomorrow or the next day.
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