[CONCLUDED]Demons 1 and 2 USA SteelBook™ Exclusives[Giveaway]!!!

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Apr 12, 2009
Hello HDN!

We're excited to host another great giveaway for a pair of USA Exclusive Steelbooks (now out of print), courtesy of Synapse films!


Very limited stock remains on these 2 releases. To purchase your set, please visit http://synapse-films.com/?s=demons+steelbook. The print run was limited to 3000 each title, and they are now out of print.

The winner will receive a set of Demons 1 and 2 Steelbooks for participating in this special horror giveaway! Contest ends June 12.

To enter, please list your top 5 favorite horror classics, and share why you chose each choice.

Good luck and enjoy!:scat:

Actual pics-thanks shanester!










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Thanks for this!!!

1. The Ring (original) the scariest movie I have ever seen. Too many scenes to mention but the one with the tv stands long in the memory.

2. The Thing (John Carpenter) not one ounce of fat on this movie. It's well paced and exhilarating and keeps you guessing on the edge of your seat Nd every scene counts.

3. Alien is pure tension and the tight storytelling makes the creature larger than life and a real force to be reckoned with unlike the other movies. It's so dramatic.

4. Suspiria is the ultimate Euro shocker. Argento does a stand up job with this witches tale.

5. Halloween is awesome. What a premise and superbly acted.

That's it.
1. The Omen (orginal of course) - the music alone gives me the creeps

2. The Exorcist - seen it first as a lil kid on late nite tv and didn´t sleep for days ;)

3. Halloween (orginal of course) - THE classic , nuff said

4. The Ring (original AND remake) both equally good and creepy - haven´t played a video tape since :D

5.The Birds - the orginal "when animals attack" movie, STILL creepy as hell with a helluva dark ending
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No order really. But:

Texas Chainsaw - brutal, messy, raw horror movie. Hot, sweaty and piercing heat on a set covered in blood and terror

Halloween - I mean who doesn't love this? Terrified me as a child and still get a chill when I hear the theme dum dum dumdididi

The Thing - hands down the best 'remake' amazing effects for its time. Great storyline and snow!

Scream - is a classic now right? Started the horror genre off again. Classic one liners, memorable scenes and a perfect twist

Finally its a throw up between Black Christmas / Sleepaway Camp - BOTH epic. Both cheesy with a frightening twist. Bordering on perverse and offensive, great movies for a night in alone or with friends and popcorn

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HDN Giveaway-Demons 1 and 2 USA Steelbook Exclusives!!!

1) Fright Night - This was the first horror movie I saw when I was a kid. I loved the movie, the music.

2) A Nightmare on Elm Street - To me Freddy was the ultimate slasher horror icon. You could hypothetically outrun Michael or Jason, but Freddy brought you into his world.

3) Day of the Dead - Because Bub is the most badass zombie in movie history.

4) The Shining - The book was much scarier, but the movie is one of the best horror movies out. The ultimate "horror house" story without being chocked full of cliche after cliche.

5) The Evil Dead - Features some of the most creepy demons I've ever seen. Yet, it still manages to balance some comedy into the mix.

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ok here goes

1/ the strangers (just because it is believable)
2/ paranormal activity
3/ texas chainsaw mas 1974
4/ incidus
5/ alien
1. Evil Dead (Original) Saw it when I was 12 and that is why I turned out the way I did
2. Nightmare on Elm St. - saw it when I was young as well and am still uncomfortable with a space under my bed
3. Freddy vs. Jason - See number 2 for the reason
4. Saw - cause it was an awesome premise
5. My wedding video - Do I really need to explain EEK!

I hope that if I win that it will be overnight delivery cause if my wife sees number 5 I will be experiencing movies 1 to 4, and all their sequels, in real life :ohno:

1 A Nightmare on Elm Street / the first I saw when I was 10 years old and it give me the love for horror movie
2 Evil dead / no money but great movie, the proof that we can do something good when you love what you do
3 The descent / especially the beginning which is very oppressive
4 The conjuring / just a slap for me, I thought we had made the round of ghost stories and this film comes to reset my counter, for me it's already a classic
5 zombiland (or shawn of the dead) / simply humorous and horrific slaps and I love zombie
Quite difficult to find the border between Horror, just frightening films or Zombie movies :/

1.Shaun Of the Dead (no explanation needed, it's just the best funny horror film ever released)
2.Zombieland(more close to a fun zombie movie rather than an horror one but it hounds Shaun really close)
3.Alien (It was the first horror movie experience I had when I was a child, always hiding my eyes)
4.The Descent (I saw it just after The Cave and I was surprised by such tension)
5.Wolf creek (The fact that it's a true story is so scaring)

Thanks for this awesome give-away :thumbs:
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1) A Nightmare on Elm street - totally iconic Freddy Krueger and the most inventive kills! This film smashes the **** out of the pony Friday the 13th!

2) An American Werewolf in London - the best Werewolf film ever and if you have to see one scene it has to be the transformation in the flat!

3) Dawn of the Dead remake - a wicked action packed zombie flick and a modern classic!

4) Paranormal Activity - a brilliant concept on a budget, not that you can tell! A wonderful modern haunted house story!

5) Halloween - a total classic and the daddy of all slasher flicks. The William Shatner masked turned inside out and painted white is a master stroke! Oh and a wonderful theme as well!

Thanks for the giveaway

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Correction @wyatt03 as awesome as AWiL is (mommy mommy a naked American man just stole my balloon [emoji13]) my Ginger Snaps takes it for me!

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Brilliant contest

1. The Thing (1982)
My favourite film ever, a great atmosphere and tension ramped upto 11. I love films with open or downbeat endings and this has both, every time I watch this film I still wonder what happens once the cameras stopped rolling. Hands down the greatest movie ever made in my opinion.

2. Invasion of the body snatchers (1956)
Another great open ended movie, love how the movie being black and white adds to the foreboding feel of dread built up in the film. Even the countless re-makes couldn't match this perfect film.

3. Nosferatu (1922)
THE original vampire movie. Every scene in this film is eerie and unsettling. In my opinion no vampire film has ever come close to the terror contained in this movie. This film is so damn creepy.

4. Return of the living dead
The first zombie film where the undead are faster than the living! This film screams the 80s and every one knows how great the 80s were right? RIGHT?!
If you like a laugh and a bit of brain munching, look no further.

5. Evil dead 2
THE CHIN himself, need I say more?
Best scene: The creepy ass deer that starts laughing at Ash when he breaks the chair. Absolutely brilliant movie.
Amazing giveaway and a big thanks
here are mine pretty zombie orientated though

1/ The living dead at the Manchester morgue..... Been a huge fan since renting this bad boy in 1983 then was taken away from the video shelf during the video nasty boom. Not only one of the best zombie movies period but one of the best titles ever.

2/ Zombie flesh eaters/zombie 2 . Not only does this stand out as a movie on its own even though ofter slated as a Romero rip off it has everything you need for this genre great low budget Gino de Rossi effects good casting and great music score and fulci and his most outrageous. shark vs zombie come on who would film this?

3/ Burial ground/nights of terror. W.T.F? the most craziest zombie movie ever so low budget Romero could not even buy a new scarf with the cost of the entire movie. But it stands up to Mr Peter Bark for being a mini Argento looking lunatic even before he turns into a zombie love love love this insanity. I even have it on bluray.

4/ Getting tough as I need to mention some greats but 5 is impossible to narrow down....
Evil Dead Rami masterpiece and making one of the best not just horror but movies ever and creating the start of Bruce Campbell s acting career.

5/ Ahh man this is killing me toss up between the anthology's of either dead of night 1945 from beyond the grave 1973 or tales from the crypt 1971 errrrrrrrr ????
ok then dead of night I still struggle watching 40s horror movies but must have seen this gem about 15 times and never get sick of it. great acting cinematography script and direction over all one of the best U.K horror movies ever made.
Thanks for reading this must have taken half an hour lol
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Amazing Giveaway

My 5 top Horror films that's a tough as there are so many that to me are brilliant
But if I have to pick just 5 it would be these

1)Psycho 1960
Simply brilliant use of horror and suspense and my favourite film director

2)The Exorcist 1973
Fantastic direction and acting with simple but affective use of religion to scare you

3)Halloween 1978
Just brilliant direction and amazing well made for its time with limited budget

4)Jaws 1975
Fantastic Actors and just scares brilliantly
I had to think twice when I was younger going swimming at a beach after I first seen this in the cinema

5)The Omen 1976
Brilliant film with mix of fantastic drama acting and horror scares without the need for gore

I could list a lot more as there are lot more amazing horror films but the 5 above for me are repeat viewings and I buy any new version that gets released

For the brilliant Giveaway
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1. Alien - Original is my favourite film ever. Perhaps by the fact that it was my first horror I ever saw.
2. Halloween - It's just a classic.
3. Saw - I like traps and blood.
4. A Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger is awesome horror villain.
5. Hills have eyes - Brutal, raw horror movie. I like it. :)

Thanks for the giveaway
Dawn of the Dead (1978) - This movie was the pinnacle of zombie movies. All other zombie movies got there ideas from it. Who wouldn't want to be shacked up in a mall during a zombie apocalypse? :scat:

Dawn of the Dead (2004) - Zombies that can run, hell yeah. EEK!

Alien - In space no one can hear you scream. Xenomorphs all the way. :D

Aliens - this time it's war! I like to see Bill Paxton scream like a little girl. :hilarious: Affirmative!

Day of the Dead - What can I say, I like zombie movies. Who doesn't like to see a smart zombie. :LOL:

Thanks for the give away. :scat:
Dawn of the Dead (2004) - I was expecting it to be god awful and it surprised me in all the right ways... a great film all round

BrainDead (DeadAlive for the US audience) - That lawnmower scene, 'nuff said

Nightmare On Elm Street - Just the best horror "character" ever created IMHO

Alien - The film is all around spectacular and is definitely in my top 10 films, the design work on the Alien is simply gorgeous. HR Giger was a genius.

Evil Dead - Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell is a phenomenal combination... love all 3 films.

Thanks very much for a great give away... seriously got my fingers crossed!
Nightmare on Elm street Freddy and Johnny Depp rulez

Friday the 13th part one all time slasher classic (and Kevin Bacons best death scene)

Braindead (Dead Alive) Peter Jacksons best splatter Fantasy

Evil Dead Sam Ramis best film

The Ring (Japanese original) scared the hell out of me
Nightmare on Elm street - Its a classic.
The Ring (The Original Japanese) - The scariest movie I have ever seen.
Child's Play - Chucky rules.
Shaun Of the Dead - Its the best funny horror film ever.
Saw - I just love traps, and see how they work.

Thanks for the Give-Away.
Thanks for the giveaway!

1. The Omen Original -I always find horror involving demonic kids terrifying.
2. The Exorcist Original -Best demonic possession movie IMO.
3. Nightmare In Elm Street -I always love Wes Craven's work and this is my favorite. The fact that you cannot fight sleep forever makes Freddie more dangerous & menacing.
4. Scream -Redefine the modern slasher film.
5. Ju-On -Who wasn't scared shitless with the creepy kid with big eyes and her vengeful mother, still can't watch this alone.
Human Centipede pt1 - First movie to make me gag
Grotesque - This was the first movie that I watched that was banned
A Serbian Film- The first movie that made me question myself why did I watch this
Martyrs- First horror movie me and my sis watched together
Hostel- This movie made me realize that I don't need to travel overseas lol
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