[CONCLUDED] [NINJA WEEK GIVE AWAY 2013] Battle Royale [Play]

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
So what say you Ninjas? How do you like this Ninja Week so far?

Up for grabs is a copy of Battle Royale [Play]. :LOL:

To Enter:
One entry per person
If you could switch places with anyone in the world who would it be with and why?

The give away will end 2/9/2013 @ 9am (ET)
At the end of the give away I will put your numbers into a random generator to select a WINNER!

Good Luck Ninjas! :scat:

Battle Royale
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I want to switch place with google founder larry page or sergey brin. They found a great company that most people use, the stock price is consistently high. I don't need to worry about money. I can travel around the world and donate to charities.
I would like switch places with Robert Downey Jr. Or Ryan Gosling. Do you still ned a reason? ;) But if we switched places, one of them had to be me. Poor guys ;)
I would have to say Johnny Depp
He's just one cool dude,who gets to play any role he wants,has money to burn and just lives an awesome lifestyle :)
paris hilton... ojk haha ... robert downey jnr he has played some incredible roles and he sounds like a great person
Right now it's got to be DJ Sasha who's dj'ing at the barefoot festival in Goa this weekend. Lucky bastard :)
I'd swap places with the sheikh who owns man city. I'd leave them so their finances crumble and I'd buy my beloved Portsmouth FC and take them back into the premier league with all my cash :)
Tom Brady.. enough # to do whatever he wants. Playing a sport and getting paid millions for it.. oh and having one of the hottest wife on the planet.
One of the 12 Apollo Astronauts who visited the Moon.

Must have been exciting fly there with ~10% of the comptuer power that you have in your cell phone today.
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