Custom SteelBooks Designs - Post Your Own Concept Art!




So I've finally got around to giving this steelbook designing malarky a go. Mine are no where near as fancy looking as everyone else's on here, but I gave it a shot... using a bloody laptop touchpad too. :angry:


As you can see, the front is pretty much the same as the UK steelbook minus all the text cluttering it up. Back art is simple, but I think it works quite well for this particular film. :)
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Tridon gave me the idea of doing a concept for Drive (basically a birthday gift to myself as it's my favourite film), and although I originally wanted to do something original, in the end I decided to use Tyler Stout's artwork, because I doubt I'll ever be able to get my hands on the posters, so figured I'd love to see it on a steelbook! And then I've literally just this minute finished doing a concept for Moon...

