Damaged Steelbooks-Possible Parts Swap


Steelbooks Anonymous
Premium Supporter
Mar 23, 2010
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
I'm sure that a lot of us have damaged steels. In my case, most of mine are damaged on one side only. Does it make sense to list your damaged steelbook here and what side is good, so other members can either sell their good side or replace their bad side? For instance, I have front damage on Avatar UK, IB Germany, Hurt Locker US and District 9 CA. Probably most of you have front damage, but a few must have back damage. Let me know what you think. The only good steel is an undamaged one!
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That's a good idea Steve!

I have the following that I'd like to match up.

Sweeney Todd - back is trashed, front is fine (wouldn't mind trading this one)
IAL Future Shop - front has some impressions on the top blu banner, but back is pristine.

Also, if anyone has some good tips about how to repair these, that would be great as well.
Will this be a workshop post to exchange parts?, not bad idea.

Fortunately the most damaged were the ones I used to convert UP and Monters.

Have 1 back cover of Flammen & Citronen in excellent condition, also 2 naked jumbo cases but I belive nobody will want them

Damaged one is Green Zone GER backcover and some others with very little dings that dont bother me at all.
Anyone successfully frankenstein together some Steels?:)

I am pretty damn good at it and if anyone has any questions I could help out. I might even do a write up and this is an excellent idea for a thread! I have some SteelBooks that have some damage and wouldn't mind getting some parts swapped out with others or sell my parts.
I've got a mint front cover for District 9 (GER).

I also have a Kill Bill Vol. 1 (CA) with damaged front and back covers, but the spine and plastic interior are mint.

I could use a rear cover for T2 (MX, UK, or GER).

I could also use a spine for Nightmare Before Christmas.
Great idea! I think I have a Wall-E that is dented...just not sure which part....proabbly the middle right side/front cover...

what if...you don't have anything to trade?
Great idea! I think I have a Wall-E that is dented...just not sure which part....proabbly the middle right side/front cover...

what if...you don't have anything to trade?

Could offer a small amount of $ or some have just been generous in the past and given theirs out.

for instance, anyone wanting my PE DE .. is fine by me, but I'm keeping the disc. The side has been totally torn off so its really only good for the back.

I debated putting the back on the back of the FS CA haha since the back on that one is pretty plain.

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

ps. mods this thread is exact same as The Denter thread ... dont know if you wan to merge them or leave as is ...